The visualization of deep structures of the body by recording the reflections or echoes of ultrasonic pulses directed into the tissues. Use of ultrasound for imaging or diagnostic purposes employs frequencies ranging from 1.6 to 10 megahertz
The visualization of tissues during pregnancy through recording of the echoes of ultrasonic waves directed into the body. The procedure may be applied with reference to the mother or the fetus and with reference to organs or the detection of maternal or fetal disease
Diagnosing disease : Schaum's Anatomy and Physiology Problem 1.13: What is negative feedback, and how is it used to help maintain homeostasis? / J. Peter Copppinger
diagnosis Abdomen : Abdominal imaging : computation and clinical applications : 5th International Workshop, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2013, Nagoya, Japan, September 22, 2013. Proceedings / Hiroyuki Yoshida, Simon Warfield, Michael W. Vannier (eds.)
Diagnosis Abdomen Diseases Congresses : Diseases of the abdomen and pelvis 2014-2017 : diagnostic imaging and interventional techniques : 46th International Diagnostic Course in Davos (IDKD), Davos, March 30-April 4, 2014 / presented by the Foundation for the Advancement of Education in Medical Radiology, Zurich ; J. Hodler, R.A. Kubik-Huch, G.K. von Schulthess, Ch. L. Zollikofer (eds.)
Diagnosis Acute myloid leukemia : Polymerase chain reaction in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with AML1-ETO and CBFβ-MYH11 gene rearrangement in acute myeloid leukaemia : assessment report
diagnosis Adenocarcinoma in Situ : The Bethesda system for reporting cervical cytology : definitions, criteria, and explanatory notes / Ritu Nayar, David C. Wilbur, editors
diagnosis Adjustment Disorders : Trauma- and stressor-related disorders : a handbook for clinicians / edited by Patricia R. Casey, M.D., F.R.C. Psych., James J. Strain, M.D
Diagnosis Adolescence : Neuropsychological assessment and intervention for youth : an evidence-based approach to emotional and behavioral disorders / edited by Linda A. Reddy, Adam S. Weissman, and James B. Hale
Diagnosis Aggressiveness in children : The Silver drawing test and draw a story : assessing depression, aggression, and cognitive skills / Rawley Silver
diagnosis Agnosia : Examining for aphasia : a manual for the examination of aphasia and related disturbances / Jon Eisenson