Here are entered works on the chemical diagnosis of disease and health monitoring. Works on the biochemical aspects of disease are entered under Clinical biochemistry
Diagnostic biologique. : Handbook of clinical laboratory testing during pregnancy / edited by Ann M. Gronowski ; foreword by Gillian Lockitch
Diagnostic Bouche Maladies : Assessment of oral health : diagnostic techniques and validation criteria / volume editor, R.V. Faller
Diagnostic Cancer : AJCC cancer staging atlas / American Joint Committee on Cancer ; editors, Frederick L. Greene [and others]
Here are entered works on the chemical diagnosis of disease and health monitoring. Works on the biochemical aspects of disease are entered under Clinical biochemistry
Diagnostic Cheville Maladies : Foot and ankle in rheumatoid arthritis / Maurice Bouysset, Yves Tourné, and Karl Tillmann
Diagnostic chirurgical -- Cas, Études de. : Pediatric surgical diseases : a radiologic surgical case study approach / C. Esposito, G. Esposito (eds.) ; C.T. Albanese (ass. eds.) [and others]
Diagnostic Colonne vertébrale Cancer : Cancer in the spine : comprehensive care / edited by Robert F. McLain ; section editors, Maurie Markman [and others]
Diagnostic Comportement suicidaire : The American Psychiatric Publishing textbook of suicide assessment and management / edited by Robert I. Simon, Robert E. Hales
--subdivision Cytodiagnosis under individual diseases and types of diseases, e.g. Cancer--Cytodiagnosis; and subdivision Diseases--Cytodiagnosis under individual organs and regions of the body, e.g. Heart--Diseases--Cytodiagnosis
Diagnostic en médecine vétérinaire. : Clinical radiology of the horse / Janet A. Butler, Christopher M. Colles, Sue J. Dyson, Svend E. Kold, Paul W. Poulos
Diagnostic en otorhinolaryngologie. : Differential diagnosis in otolaryngology -- head and neck surgery / [edited by] Michael G. Stewart [and others]