Dienstleistung : Management. : Involving customers in new service development / editors, Bo Edvardsson [and others]
Dienstleistungsangebot : Value proposition design : how to create products and services customers want / Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Greg Bernarda, Alan Smith
Dienstleistungsfreiheit : State and market in European Union law : the public and private spheres of the internal market before the EU courts / Wolf Sauter and Harm Schepel
Dienstleistungsverkehr : International trade in services and domestic regulations : necessity, transparency, and regulatory diversity / Panagiotis Delimatsis
Diepenbrock, Alphons, 1862-1921. : Alphons Diepenbrock : the life, times and music of a Dutch Romantic composer / Leo Samama ; translated by Brent Annable ; with an overture by Robin Holloway
Dieppe -- Landeunternehmen. : Destined to survive : a Dieppe veteran's story / Jack A. Poolton and Jayne Poolton-Turvey
Dieppe, Paul : Healing and medicine : a doctor's journey toward their integration / Paul Dieppe, with Cindeer Hypki ; foreword by Michael Dixon
Diepzee. : Science is fiction : the films of Jean Painlevé / edited by Andy Masaki Bellows and Marina McDougall, with Brigitte Berg ; translations by Jeanine Herman
Dierenbescherming. : Animal rights, human rights : ecology, economy and ideology in the Canadian Arctic / by George Wenzel
Dierennamen. : Religion, literature, and scholarship : the Sumerian composition Nanše and the birds, with a catalogue of Sumerian bird names / Niek Veldhuis