Here are entered works on currencies that use cryptography to secure and verify transactions and to control the creation of new currency units. Works on digital representations of monetary value and fiat currencies in digital form are entered under Digital currency
Digital currency -- Asia : Data governance and the digital economy in Asia : harmonising cross-border data flows / edited by Paul Cheung, Liu Jingting and Ulrike Sengstschmid
Digital currency -- European Union countries : Digitalisation, sustainability, and the Banking and Capital Markets Union : thoughts on current issues of EU financial regulation / Lukas Böffel, Jonas Schürger, editors
Digital currency -- Political aspects : The flipside of China's central bank digital currency / Samantha Hoffman, John Garnaut, Kayla Izenman, Matthew Johnson, Alexandra Pascoe, Fergus Ryan, and Elise Thomas
Digital divide -- European Union countries : L'agenda digitale europea e il riutilizzo dell'informazione del settore pubblico : Il riutilizzo dei dati ipotecari e catastali
Digital divide -- Illinois -- Chicago : Digital cities : the Internet and the geography of opportunity / Karen Mossberger, Caroline J. Tolbert, and William Franko