Transparent, tasteless crystals found in nature as agate, amethyst, chalcedony, cristobalite, flint, sand, QUARTZ, and tridymite. The compound is insoluble in water or acids except hydrofluoric acid
Dioxins -- analysis : Health risks from dioxin and related compounds : evaluation of the EPA reassessment / Committee on EPA's Exposure and Human Health Reassessment of TCDD and Related Compounds, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies
Dioxins -- Australia. : Dioxins : recommendation for a tolerable monthly intake for Australians
Dioxins -- Carcinogenicity : Health risks from dioxin and related compounds : evaluation of the EPA reassessment / Committee on EPA's Exposure and Human Health Reassessment of TCDD and Related Compounds, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies
Dioxyde de carbone atmosphérique. : Rethinking urban transitions : politics in the low carbon city / edited by Andrés Luque-Ayala, Simon Marvin and Harriet Bulkeley
Dioxyde de carbone atmosphérique -- Aspect de l'environnement -- États-Unis. : Confronting climate change : strategies for energy research and development / Committee on Alternative Energy Research and Development Strategies, Energy Engineering Board, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council ; for the United States Department of Energy, Office of Policy, Planning and Analysis, Office of Environmental Analysis
An element with atomic symbol O, atomic number 8, and atomic weight [15.99903; 15.99977]. It is the most abundant element on earth and essential for respiration
A mixed-function oxygenase that catalyzes the hydroxylation of peptidyllysine, usually in protocollagen, to peptidylhydroxylysine. The enzyme utilizes molecular oxygen with concomitant oxidative decarboxylation of the cosubstrate 2-oxoglutarate to succinate. EC
Diözesan-Museum Hildesheim. / : The Bernward Gospels Art, Memory, and the Episcopate in Medieval Germany
Diözese : Aldhelm and Sherborne : essays to celebrate the founding of the bishopric / edited by Katherine Barker with Nicholas Brooks
Diözese Bath and Wells : The people of the parish : community life in a late medieval English diocese / Katherine L. French
Diözese Gnesen-Posen : The Gniezno Summit : the religious premises of the founding of the Archbishopric of Gniezno / by Roman Michałowski ; translated by Anna Kijak ; language editor for the translation, Richard John Butterwick-Pawlikowski
Diözese Rochester Kent : Registrum Hamonis Hethe diocesis roffensis A.D. 1319-1352 Transcribed and ed. by Charles Johnson
Diözese Trier : Erzbischof Hinkmar und die Folgen : der vierhundertjährige Weg historischer Erinnerungsbilder von Reims nach Trier / von Olaf Schneider
Diözese Verona. : The Formation of a Medieval Church : Ecclesiastical Change in Verona, 950-1150 / Maureen C. Miller
Diözese Winchester : Registrum Thome Wolsey, cardinalis ecclesie wintoniensis administratoris / transcribed by Francis Thomas Madge and Herbert Chitty ; and edited with an introduction by Herbert Chitty
A species of gram-positive bacteria which may be pathogenic for certain insects. It is used for the biological control of the Gypsy moth
Dipeptides : Imidazole dipeptides : chemistry, analysis, function and effects / [editor] Victor R. Preedy
Dipeptides -- analysis : Importance of chirality to flavor compounds / Karl-Heinz Engel, editor, Technische Universität München, Freising, Germany, Gary Takeoka, editor, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service Albany, California ; sponsored by the ACS Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 : Dipeptidyl aminopeptidases : basic science and clinical applications / Uwe Lendeckel, Dirk Reinhold, Ute Bank, editors