Directory Technology Assessment, Biomedical United States : Medical technology assessment directory : a pilot reference to organizations, assessments, and information resources / Clifford Goodman, editor ; Council on Health Care Technology, Institute of Medicine
Direito canônico. : The treatise on laws : (Decretum DD. 1-20) / Gratian ; translated by Augustine Thompson ; with the Ordinary gloss, translated by James Gordley, and an introduction by Katherine Christensen
Direito canônico (fontes) : La décrétale Ad Gallos episcopos, son texte et son auteur : texte critique, traduction française et commentaire / par Yves-Marie Duval
Direito canônico (história) : Prefaces to Canon Law books in Latin Christianity : selected translations, 500-1245 / commentary and translations by Robert Somerville and Bruce C. Brasington
Direito de asilo. : On cosmopolitanism and forgiveness / Jacques Derrida ; translated by Mark Dooley and Michael Hughes ; with a preface by Simon Critchley and Richard Kearney
Direito de família. : Kinship, law and the unexpected : relatives are always a surprise / Marilyn Strathern
Direito Eleitoral. : A treatise on the American law of elections / by George W. McCrary, late judge of the United States Circuit Court, Eighth Circuit, and formerly member of the House of Representatives of the United States, and chairman of the Committee of Elections of that body
Direito Financeiro. : A treatise on the law of banks and banking / John T. Morse, Jr
Direito Municipal. : Commentaries on the law of municipal corporations / by John F. Dillon, LL. D., member L'Institut de droit international ; late professor of real estate and equity jurisprudence in Columbia College Law School ; formerly circuit judge of the United States for the Eighth Judicial Circuit, and chief justice of the Supreme Court of Iowa
Direito penal -- Estados unidos. : Crime and the criminal law in the United States : considered primarily in their present-day social aspects / by Harry Best