Disarmament -- Africa, Southern : Small arms management and peacekeeping in southern Africa / contributors, Christopher Smith, Peter Batchelor, Jakkie Potgieter
Disarmament -- Africa, West : Lutte contre la prolifération des armes légères en Afrique de lʹOuest : manuel de formation des forces armées et de sécurité / sous la direction de Anatole Ayissi et Ibrahima Sall
Disarmament -- Asia, Central : Armament and disarmament in the Caucasus and Central Asia / Alyson J.K. Bailes [and others]
Disarmament -- Australia. : Australia's present and future role in disarmament and arms control / Department of Foreign Affairs
Disarmament -- Cambodia : Exchanging weapons for development in Cambodia : an assessment of different weapon collection strategies by local people / Geofrey Mugumya
Disarmament -- Case studies : War veterans in postwar situations : Chechnya, Serbia, Turkey, Peru, and Côte d'Ivoire / edited by Nathalie Duclos
Disarmament -- Caucasus : Armament and disarmament in the Caucasus and Central Asia / Alyson J.K. Bailes [and others]
Disarmament -- China : Prospects of mankind with Eleanor Roosevelt. China : shadow on the summit / hosted by Eleanor Roosevelt
Disarmament -- Côte d'Ivoire : The many lives of a peacekeeping mission : the UN operation in Côte d'Ivoire / Alexandra Novosseloff
Disarmament -- Dictionaries : Coming to terms with security : a lexicon for arms control, disarmament and confidence-building / Steve Tulliu and Thomas Schmalberger = En buenos términos con la seguridad : diccionario sobre control de armamentos, desarme y fomento de la confianza / Steve Tulliu y Thomas Schmalberger
Here are entered works on the conversion of industries or enterprises from government supported space or defense operations to civilian activities and markets
Disarmament -- Economic aspects -- Cambodia : Exchanging weapons for development in Cambodia : an assessment of different weapon collection strategies by local people / Geofrey Mugumya
Disarmament -- Environmental aspects : Scarred lands and wounded lives : the environmental footprint of war / produced, directed and written by Alice and Lincoln Day with Dan Gallagher ; VideoTakes Inc. production team
Disarmament -- Europe, Northern : Territorial disarmament in Northern Europe : the epilogue of a success story / Matthieu Chillaud
Disarmament -- Finland -- Åland : Demilitarisation and international law in context : the Åland Islands / Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark, Saila Heinikoskiand and Pirjo Kleemola-Juntunen
Disarmament -- Haiti : Securing Haiti's transition : reviewing human insecurity and the prospects for disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration = [Haïti, les chemins de la transition : étude de l'insécurité humaine et des perspectives de désarmement, de démobilisation et de réintégration] / Robert Muggah