Disasters -- Bulgaria : Disasters, culture, politics : Chinese-Bulgarian anthropological contribution to the study of critical situations / edited by Elya Tzaneva, with Fang Sumei and Liu Mingxin
Disasters -- China : Disasters, culture, politics : Chinese-Bulgarian anthropological contribution to the study of critical situations / edited by Elya Tzaneva, with Fang Sumei and Liu Mingxin
Disasters -- Congresses -- prevention & control : International Seminar on Nuclear War and Planetary Emergencies : 38th session, "E. Majorana" Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy, 19-24 Aug. 2007 / edited by R. Ragaini
Disasters -- Developing countries. : Political economy of large natural disasters : with special reference to developing countries / J.M. Albala-Bertrand
Disasters -- Economic aspects -- Asia : The Asia-Pacific disaster report 2012 : reducing vulnerability and exposure to disasters / [Tiziana Bonapace, Sanjay Srivastava, Sujit Mohanty]
Disasters -- Economic aspects -- Australia. : Economics of disaster : report on the proceedings of the Economics of Disaster Workshop held at the Australian Counter Disaster College, 17-19 June 1988 / by Deborah J.B. Jones
Disasters -- Economic aspects -- Pacific Area : The Asia-Pacific disaster report 2012 : reducing vulnerability and exposure to disasters / [Tiziana Bonapace, Sanjay Srivastava, Sujit Mohanty]
Disasters -- Economic aspects -- Pakistan : The enabling environment for disaster risk financing in Pakistan : country diagnostics assessment / Asian Development Bank
Disasters Emergency Committee. / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/nr2006025833 : Lessons from Aceh : key considerations in post-disaster reconstruction / Jo da Silva
Disasters -- Europe : Wounded cities : the representation of urban disasters in European art (14th-20th centuries) / edited by Marco Folin, Monica Preti
Disasters -- Europe -- Forecasting -- Congresses : Optimisation of disaster forecasting and prevention measures in the context of human and social dynamics / edited by Ion Apostol [and others]
Disasters -- Forecasts : Our final hour : a scientist's warning : how terror, error, and environmental disaster threaten humankind's future in this century on earth and beyond / Martin Rees
Disasters -- Haiti -- Gonaïves : A promise in Haiti : a reporter's notes on families and daily lives / Mark Curnutte ; foreword by Kenneth H. Merten, with photographs by the author
Disasters -- Haiti -- Psychological aspects : Traumas et résilience : leçons du tremblement de terre de 2010 en Haïti / Jude Mary Cénat ; préface de Boris Cyrulnik ; postface de Daniel Derivois