Discovery and exploration Islands of the Pacific French : Two voyages to the south seas : Australia, New Zealand, Oceania 1826-1829, Straits of Magellan, Chile, Oceania, New Guinea, Australia, South East Asia, Tasmania, Antarctica, New Zealand, Torres Strait 1837-1840 in the corvettes Astrolabe 1826-1829, Astrolabe and Zélée 1837-1840 / Jules S.-C. Dumont D'Urville ; translated from the French and retold by Helen Rosenman
Discovery and exploration Karakoram Range : Explorations in the eastern Kara-Koram and the upper Yarkand Valley : narrative report of the Survey of India detachment with the De Filippi scientific expedition 1914
Discovery and exploration King George Sound (WA) : To King George the Third Sound for whales : a voyage aboard the British whaling vessel, Kingston of London, Captain Thomas Dennis, 1800-1802 / transcribed from the original ship's logbook by Rod Dickson
Discovery and exploration le Maire Strait : The East and West Indian mirror : being an account of Joris van Speilbergen's voyage round the world (1614-1617), and the Australian navigations of Jacob Le Maire / translated with notes and an introd. by J. A. J. De Villiers
Discovery and exploration Liberia : African-American exploration in West Africa : four nineteenth-century diaries / edited by James Fairhead [and others]
Discovery and exploration Michigan French Sources : Edge of empire : documents of Michilimackinac, 1671-1716 / translated by Joseph L. Peyser ; edited by Joseph L. Peyser and José António Brandão ; introduction by José António Brandão
Discovery and exploration Mississippi River Valley : The La Salle expedition to Texas : the journal of Henri Joutel, 1684-1687 / edited and with an introduction by William C. Foster ; translated by Johanna S. Warren ; designed by David Timmons