Disorders involving either the ADENOHYPOPHYSIS or the NEUROHYPOPHYSIS. These diseases usually manifest as hypersecretion or hyposecretion of PITUITARY HORMONES. Neoplastic pituitary masses can also cause compression of the OPTIC CHIASM and other adjacent structures
An autosomal recessive disorder caused by a deficiency of acid beta-glucosidase (GLUCOSYLCERAMIDASE) leading to intralysosomal accumulation of glycosylceramide mainly in cells of the MONONUCLEAR PHAGOCYTE SYSTEM. The characteristic Gaucher cells, glycosphingolipid-filled HISTIOCYTES, displace normal cells in BONE MARROW and visceral organs causing skeletal deterioration, hepatosplenomegaly, and organ dysfunction. There are several subtypes based on the presence and severity of neurological involvement
An autosomal recessive disorder caused by a deficiency of acid beta-glucosidase (GLUCOSYLCERAMIDASE) leading to intralysosomal accumulation of glycosylceramide mainly in cells of the MONONUCLEAR PHAGOCYTE SYSTEM. The characteristic Gaucher cells, glycosphingolipid-filled HISTIOCYTES, displace normal cells in BONE MARROW and visceral organs causing skeletal deterioration, hepatosplenomegaly, and organ dysfunction. There are several subtypes based on the presence and severity of neurological involvement
A legal requirement that designated types of information acquired by professionals or institutions in the course of their work be reported to appropriate authorities
Notification or reporting by a physician or other health care provider of the occurrence of specified contagious diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV infections to designated public health agencies. The United States system of reporting notifiable diseases evolved from the Quarantine Act of 1878, which authorized the US Public Health Service to collect morbidity data on cholera, smallpox, and yellow fever; each state in the US has its own list of notifiable diseases and depends largely on reporting by the individual health care provider. (From Segen, Dictionary of Modern Medicine, 1992)
Disease -- nurses'instruction : Pathophysiology : the biologic basis for disease in adults and children / [edited by] Kathryn L. McCance, Sue E. Huether
Ocular manifestations secondary to various NEOPLASMS in which antibodies to antigens of the primary tumor cross-react with ocular antigens. This autoimmune response often leads to visual loss and other ocular dysfunctions
A large group of diseases which are characterized by a low prevalence in the population. They frequently are associated with problems in diagnosis and treatment
An autosomal dominant vascular anomaly characterized by telangiectases of the skin and mucous membranes and by recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding. This disorder is caused by mutations of a gene (on chromosome 9q3) which encodes endoglin, a membrane glycoprotein that binds TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTOR BETA
Disease Outbreaks -- Congresses : Vector-borne diseases : understanding the environmental, human health, and ecological connections : workshop summary / rapporteurs, Stanley M. Lemon [and others] ; Forum on Microbial Threats, Board on Global Health, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Disease Outbreaks -- ethics [mesh] : Ethical and legal considerations in mitigating pandemic disease : workshop summary / Stanley M. Lemon [and others], rapporteurs ; Forum on Microbial Threats, Board on Global Health, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Disease Outbreaks -- legislation & jurisprudence [mesh] : Ethical and legal considerations in mitigating pandemic disease : workshop summary / Stanley M. Lemon [and others], rapporteurs ; Forum on Microbial Threats, Board on Global Health, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Disease Outbreaks -- prevention & control [mesh] : Ethical and legal considerations in mitigating pandemic disease : workshop summary / Stanley M. Lemon [and others], rapporteurs ; Forum on Microbial Threats, Board on Global Health, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Infections or infestations with PARASITES. They are often contracted through contact with an intermediate vector, but may occur as the result of direct exposure
Infections of the INTESTINES with PARASITES, commonly involving PARASITIC WORMS. Infections with roundworms (NEMATODE INFECTIONS) and tapeworms (CESTODE INFECTIONS) are also known as HELMINTHIASIS
Pathological processes of the PARATHYROID GLANDS. They usually manifest as hypersecretion or hyposecretion of PARATHYROID HORMONE that regulates the balance of CALCIUM; PHOSPHORUS; and MAGNESIUM in the body