Disko Bay Saqqaq culture Greenland : Ancient harp seal hunters of Disko Bay : subsistence and settlement at the Saqqaq Culture Site Qeqertasussuk (2400-1400 BC), West Greenland / Morten Meldgaard
Disko Bay Seals (Animals) Greenland : Ancient harp seal hunters of Disko Bay : subsistence and settlement at the Saqqaq Culture Site Qeqertasussuk (2400-1400 BC), West Greenland / Morten Meldgaard
Diskrete Entscheidung : Which smart electricity service contracts will consumers accept? the demand for compensation in a platform market Laura-Lucia Richter and Michael G. Pollitt
Diskriminering av afro-amerikaner. : L.A. Rebellion : creating a new black cinema / edited by Allyson Nadia Field, Jan-Christopher Horak, and Jacqueline Najuma Stewart
Diskriminering av äldre. : From exclusion to inclusion in old age : a global challenge / edited by Thomas Scharf and Norah Keating
diskriminering Minoriteter anställning : Ethnicity and gender at work : inequalities, careers and employment relations / Harriet Bradley and Geraldine Healy
diskriminering Muslimer : Framing Muslims : stereotyping and representation after 9/11 / Peter Morey and Amina Yaqin
Diskriminierung Gesundheitspflege : Social work and global health inequalities : practice and policy developments / edited by Paul Bywaters, Eileen McLeod, and Lindsey Napier
Diskriminierung Motiv : Algerian imprints : ethical space in the work of Assia Djebar and Hélène Cixous / Brigitte Weltman-Aron
An INTERVERTEBRAL DISC in which the NUCLEUS PULPOSUS has protruded through surrounding ANNULUS FIBROSUS. This occurs most frequently in the lower lumbar region
An optical disk storage system used on specialized players that combine the functions of computer and CD player in a self-contained box, designed to be connected to a television set and a home stereo for video and sound output. The player is controlled with a hand-held remote unit resembling a television remote control. (J Allied Health 1993 Winter;22(1):131-8)