Doll, Don, 1937- : Crying for a vision : a Rosebud Sioux trilogy, 1886-1976 / photos. by John A. Anderson, Eugene Buechel, Don Doll ; edited by Don Doll and Jim Alinder ; foreword by Ben Black Bear, Jr. ; introd. by Herman Viola
Doll industry -- Canada -- History -- 20th century : Dolls of Canada : a reference guide / Evelyn Robson Strahlendorf ; photography by U.C. Strahlendorf ; Eaton's Beauty chapter by Judy Tomlinson Ross
Doll industry -- Case studies : Beyond child's play : bsustainable product design in the global doll-making industry / Sally Edwards
Doll, William E. -- Influence : Complexifying curriculum studies : reflections on the generative and generous gifts of William E. Doll, Jr / edited by Molly Quinn
Dollar, Australian : The Depreciation of the Australian dollar : its impact on importers and manufacturers / Bureau of Industry Economics
Dollar Bonds. : Historical Experience with Bond Financing to Developing Countries / Thomas Laursen
Dollar, Canadian. : Canada : 2008 Article IV consultation : staff report : staff statement : and public information notice on the Executive Board discussion / [prepared by the Western Hemisphere Dept.]
Somewhat flattened, globular echinoderms, having thin, brittle shells of calcareous plates. They are useful models for studying FERTILIZATION and EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT
Dollar Shave Club : Disruptive shave technology : considering the Dollar Shave Club model for a UK launch / Justin O'Brien