Drama Christian saints England : Schaum's outline of theory and problems of Lagrangian dynamics : with a treatment of Euler's equations of motion, Hamilton's equations and Hamilton's principle / by Dare A. Wells
Drama Christian saints France : Saint Joan : a chronicle play in six scenes and an epilogue / Bernard Shaw ; definitive text under the editorial supervision of Dan H. Laurence ; with 'On playing Joan' by Imogen Stubbs ; and an introduction by Joley Wood
Drama Christian saints Ireland : The enemy within / Brian Friel ; with introductory notes by the author and Thomas Kilroy
Drama Christian saints Italy : Brother sun, sister moon / Euro International ; a Paramount release of an Italian British co-production ; director, Franco Zeffirelli ; original story and screenplay by Suso Cecchi D'Amico, Kenneth Ross, Lina Wertmüller, Franco Zeffirelli ; produced by Luciano Perugia for Euro International Films and Vic Film (Productions) Ltd
Drama Christian women Kenya : Watu wote = All of us / the Master Film Program of Hamburg Media School presents ; screenplay, Julia Drache ; director, Katja Benrath ; producer, Hamburg Media School
Drama Christianity : Ganja & Hess / a film by Bill Gunn ; released by Kelly-Jordan Enterprises ; written and directed by Bill Gunn ; produced by Chiz Schultz
Drama Christianity Sweden : Jungfrukällan = The virgin spring / Svensk Filmindustri visar ; manuscript efter en legend visa från 1300-talet, Ulla Isaksson ; regi, Ingmar Bergman = Adapted from a 13th-century ballad by Ulla Isaksson ; directed by Ingmar Bergman
Drama Christianity United States : Missionary positions : a recovering Christian's guide to getting lost / written & performed by Dan Prevette ; directed by & developed with Jessica Lynn Johnson
Drama Christians : Saint Joan : a chronicle play in six scenes and an epilogue / Bernard Shaw ; definitive text under the editorial supervision of Dan H. Laurence ; with 'On playing Joan' by Imogen Stubbs ; and an introduction by Joley Wood
Drama Christians United States : Missionary positions : a recovering Christian's guide to getting lost / written & performed by Dan Prevette ; directed by & developed with Jessica Lynn Johnson
Drama Christie, Agatha, 1890-1976 Adaptations : Bard at the Gate. Season 2, Episode 3, Charles Francis Chan Jr.'s exotic Oriental murder mystery / Rosey Strub, producer ; written by Lloyd Suh ; directed by Ralph B. Peña ; a Bard at the Gate and McCarter Theatre Center production
Drama Christmas Wales : A child's Christmases in Wales / written by Mark Watson ; producers, Steve Doherty, Juliet Charlesworth ; director, Christine Gernon
Drama Chronic pain : The shape of the pain / written by Chris Thorpe and Rachel Bagshaw
Drama Church and state England : Henry VIII / by William Shakespeare ; a Stratford Festival production ; directed for the stage by Martha Henry ; directed for film by Barry Avrich ; produced by Barry Avrich ; Melbar Entertainment Group
Drama Church and state Mexico : La guerra santa / CONACINE presenta ; argumento y libro cinematográfico, Carlos Enrique Taboada ; dirección, Carlos Enrique Taboada