Ecclesiastical law -- Georgia : The Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Georgia vs. Rev. J.G. Armstrong, D.D., rector of St. Philip's Parish, Atlanta, Ga. : report of the above stated case / authorized and authenticated by J.W. Beckwith, Bishop of Georgia
Ecclesiastical law -- Great Britain -- Sources : A system of English ecclesiastical law : extracted from the Codex juris ecclesiastici anglicani of the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London / by Richard Grey
Ecclesiastical law -- India : The statutes relating to the ecclesiastical and eleemosynary institutions of England, Wales, Ireland, India, and the colonies : with the decisions thereon / [compiled] by Archibald John Stephens
Ecclesiastical law -- Ireland : The statutes relating to the ecclesiastical and eleemosynary institutions of England, Wales, Ireland, India, and the colonies : with the decisions thereon / [compiled] by Archibald John Stephens
Ecclesiastical law -- New Spain -- Congresses : Normatividades e instituciones eclesiasticas en la Nueva Espana, siglos XVI-XIX / Benedetta Albani, Otto Danwerth, Thomas Duve (eds.)
Ecclesiastical law -- New York (State) -- Cases : Trial of the Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr., rector of the Holy Trinity, New York : in the chapel of St. Peter's Church, New-York ; February, 1868 / [by the Right Rev. Horatio Potter] ; reported by Warburton, Bouyage & Devine, stenographers
Ecclesiastical law -- Sri Lanka : Buddhism, politics and the limits of law : the pyrrhic constitutionalism of Sri Lanka / Benjamin Schonthal, University of Otago
Ecclesiastical law -- Turkey : Shari'a in the secular state : evolving meanings of Islamic jurisprudence in Turkey / Russell Powell
Ecclesiastical Titles Act, 1851 Great Britain : Letter to His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Dublin on the subject of the Ecclesiastical Titles Act and the charge addressed to the Clergy of Dublin in 1851 / by Lord Monteagle
Here are entered works on the distinctive dress and insignia worn by clergy and their assistants when performing liturgical and other services of the church. Works on the clothing worn by clergy in daily life and on the street are entered under Clergy--Clothing