Ecclesiastical law -- Canada : A report by the select vestry of the church to the rector of the parish : with appendices, containing opinions of Canadian counsel and evidence of the chief cathedral authorities in England, relative to ecclesiastical law and usage in England and Canada
Ecclesiastical law -- Colombia -- Congresses : Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en el Nuevo Reino de Granada, siglos XVI-XIX / Pilar Mejía, Otto Danwerth, Benedetta Albani (eds.)
Ecclesiastical law -- England : The parson's monitor, consisting of such cases and matters as principally concern the clergy : collected from the statute and common laws, as also the constitutions and canons ecclesiastical : confirmed 1 Jac. anno Dom. 1603 : together with the Articles of religion, authority of the convocation, privilege of churches and church-yards, payment of first-fruits and tenths, in whose name and style ecclesiastical courts are to be kept, and the process issuing out of the same are to run in, and with what seal to be sealed : with several other matters (never before extant) very material and necessary to be known by the clergy in general, and all persons concerned either as patron, or incumbent / by G. Meriton, gent
Ecclesiastical law -- England -- Cases. : Select cases from the ecclesiastical courts of the Province of Canterbury c. 1200-1301 / edited for the Selden Society by Norma Adams and Charles Donahue
Ecclesiastical law -- England -- Early works to 1800 : A collection of the laws and canons of the Church of England : from its first foundation to the conquest, and from the conquest to the reign of King Henry VIII / translated into English with explanatory notes by John Johnson
Ecclesiastical law -- Europe : Diritto e religione in Italia ed in Europa : dai Concordati alla problematica islamica / Luciano Musselli ; seconda edizione a cura di Michele Madonna, Alessandro Tira, Cesare Edoardo Varalda
Ecclesiastical law -- France -- Alsace : Das staatskirchenrechtliche Regime Elsass-Lothringens in rechtsvergleichender Perspektive. Le droit local des cultes en Alsace-Moselle
Ecclesiastical law -- Georgia : The Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Georgia vs. Rev. J.G. Armstrong, D.D., rector of St. Philip's Parish, Atlanta, Ga. : report of the above stated case / authorized and authenticated by J.W. Beckwith, Bishop of Georgia
Ecclesiastical law -- Great Britain -- Sources : A system of English ecclesiastical law : extracted from the Codex juris ecclesiastici anglicani of the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London / by Richard Grey
Ecclesiastical law -- India : The statutes relating to the ecclesiastical and eleemosynary institutions of England, Wales, Ireland, India, and the colonies : with the decisions thereon / [compiled] by Archibald John Stephens
Ecclesiastical law -- Ireland : The statutes relating to the ecclesiastical and eleemosynary institutions of England, Wales, Ireland, India, and the colonies : with the decisions thereon / [compiled] by Archibald John Stephens
Ecclesiastical law -- New Spain -- Congresses : Normatividades e instituciones eclesiasticas en la Nueva Espana, siglos XVI-XIX / Benedetta Albani, Otto Danwerth, Thomas Duve (eds.)
Ecclesiastical law -- New York (State) -- Cases : Trial of the Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr., rector of the Holy Trinity, New York : in the chapel of St. Peter's Church, New-York ; February, 1868 / [by the Right Rev. Horatio Potter] ; reported by Warburton, Bouyage & Devine, stenographers
Ecclesiastical law -- Sri Lanka : Buddhism, politics and the limits of law : the pyrrhic constitutionalism of Sri Lanka / Benjamin Schonthal, University of Otago
Ecclesiastical law -- Turkey : Shari'a in the secular state : evolving meanings of Islamic jurisprudence in Turkey / Russell Powell