Ecuador Credit : Macro-financial linkages and heterogeneous non-performing loans projections : an application to Ecuador / prepared by Francesco Grigoli, Mario Mansilla, and Martín Saldías
Ecuador Currency question : Crisis and dollarization in Ecuador : stability, growth, and social equity / Paul Beckerman and Andrés Solimano, editors
Ecuador Customary law : The Challenge of Legal Pluralism : Local dispute settlement and the Indian-state relationship in Ecuador
Ecuador Customs administration Tulcán : El desafío del desarrollo en las fronteras : gestión de riesgo en el control aduanero y la facilitación al comercio en la zona de frontera Tulcán-Ipiales / MSc. José Edison Caza Guevara
Ecuador Cut flower industry : A feast of flowers : race, labor, and postcolonial capitalism in Ecuador / Christopher Krupa
Ecuador Default (Finance) : Macro-financial linkages and heterogeneous non-performing loans projections : an application to Ecuador / prepared by Francesco Grigoli, Mario Mansilla, and Martín Saldías
Ecuador Deforestation : Saviors of the Forest / written by Terry Schwartz directed by Bill Day produced by Bill Day and Terry Schwartz
Ecuador Demonstrations : Octubre y el derecho a la resistencia : revuelta popular y neoliberalismo autoritario en Ecuador / Franklin Ramírez Gallegos (editor)
Ecuador Disaster relief : Ecuador : purchase under the rapid financing instrument ; press release ; staff report ; and statement by the Executive Director for Ecuador
Ecuador Earthquakes Economic aspects : Ecuador : purchase under the rapid financing instrument ; press release ; staff report ; and statement by the Executive Director for Ecuador
Ecuador Ecology : Ecosystem services, biodiversity and environmental change in a tropical mountain ecosystem of South Ecuador / Jörg Bendix [and others], editors