Education -- Standards -- Jamaica -- History : Curriculum Implementation Leadership and Equity in Education Curriculum Struggles and Hopes in Jamaica During the Post-Independence Era
Education -- Standards -- New Zealand. : Setting the standards : the assessment of competence in national qualifications / editors Roger Peddie and Bryan Tuck
Education -- Standards -- Scandinavia : Standard setting in education : the Nordic countries in an international perspective / Sigrid Blömeke, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, editors
Education -- Standards -- Social aspects. : A socio-historical study of the birth and adoption of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) / by Brian David Hodges
Education -- Standards -- Sweden : Dumbing down : the crisis of quality and equity in a once-great school system and - how to reverse the trend / Magnus Henrekson, Johan Wennström
Here are entered works on the compilation and study of statistics in the field of education. Collections of these statistics are entered under the appropriate heading with subdivision Statistics, e.g. Education--Massachusetts--Statistics; Harvard University--Statistics; Junior colleges--Statistics
Here are entered works on statistics or measurements that provide information on the status of significant educational conditions or variables, e.g. dropout rates, higher education enrollments, at a specific point in time. These indicators are used in the analysis of progress toward specific educational goals or objectives
Education -- Statistics -- Cross-cultural studies : Green at fifteen? : how 15-year-olds perform in environmental science and geoscience in PISA 2006 / Programme for International Student Assessment
Education Street children Brazil : Children on the streets of the Americas : homelessness, education, and globalization in the United States, Brazil, and Cuba / Roslyn Arlin Mickelson, ed
Education Street children Cuba : Children on the streets of the Americas : homelessness, education, and globalization in the United States, Brazil, and Cuba / Roslyn Arlin Mickelson, ed
Education Street children United States : Children on the streets of the Americas : homelessness, education, and globalization in the United States, Brazil, and Cuba / Roslyn Arlin Mickelson, ed