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Title The state of college access and completion : improving college success for students from underrepresented groups / [edited by] Laura W. Perna, Anthony Jones
Published New York, NY : Routledge, 2013


Description 1 online resource
Contents Introduction: Improving postsecondary access, persistence, and completion in the United States: setting the stage / Anthony P. Jones -- Improving college access and choice / Laura W. Perna and Elizabeth R. Kurban -- Pathways to college for underserved and nontraditional students: lessons from research, policy, and practice / Debra D. Bragg -- Proficiency approaches for making more students college and career ready / David T. Conley -- The role of remedial and developmental courses in access and persistence / Bridget Terry Long and Angela Boatman -- The role of finances in postsecondary access and success / Donald E. Heller -- The potential of community colleges to increase bachelor's degree attainment rates / Tatiana Melguizo, Gregory Kienzl, and Holly Kosiewicz -- Longitudinal pathways to college persistence and completion: student, institutional, and public policy perspectives / Donald Hossler, Afet Dundar, and Douglas T. Shapiro -- Access, persistence, and completion in the state context / James C. Hearn, Anthony P. Jones, and Elizabeth R. Kurban -- Nonexperimental designs and causal analyses of college access, persistence, and completion / Stephen L. DesJardins and Allyson Flaster -- Conclusions: Improving college access, persistence, and completion: lessons learned / Laura W. Perna
Summary Despite decades of substantial investments by the federal government, state governments, colleges and universities, and private foundations, students from low-income families as well as racial and ethnic minority groups continue to have substantially lower levels of postsecondary educational attainment than individuals from other groups. The State of College Access and Completion draws together leading researchers nationwide to summarize the state of college access and success and to provide recommendations for how institutional leaders and policymakers can effectively improve the en
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Print version record
Subject College choice -- United States
Universities and colleges -- United States -- Admission
College costs -- United States
Minority college students -- United States
Educational attainment -- United States
EDUCATION -- Higher.
College choice
College costs
Educational attainment
Minority college students
Universities and colleges -- Admission
United States
Genre/Form dissertations.
Academic theses
Academic theses.
Thèses et écrits académiques.
Form Electronic book
Author Perna, Laura W
Jones, Anthony
LC no. 2013019230
ISBN 9781135106690