Educational statistics -- Textbooks : Applied single subjects research for school psychologists and educators / Holmes Finch, Maria Hernandez Finch, Alicia Hazelwood
Educational strategies & policy -- Europe. : Higher education governance and policy change in Western Europe : international challenges to historical institutions / Michael Dobbins and Christoph Knill
Educational strategies & policy -- South East Asia. : Language, education and nation-building : assimilation and shift in Southeast Asia / edited by Peter Sercombe, Newcastle University, UK and Ruanni Tupas, National Institute of Education, Singapore
Educational surveys -- Australia -- Creswick (Vic.) : The proposed Creswick post-primary school : a review of background data and public opinion : a report / prepared for the Creswick Post-Primary School Committee [by] B.C. Fitzgerald
Educational surveys -- Australia -- Melbourne (Vic.) : Learning style preferences of technical and further education students, and delivery methods in selected teaching programs (with some selected university student comparisons) / [Peter J. Smith, Colleen F. Lindner]
Educational surveys -- Australia -- Queensland. : A map of current primary and secondary school practice in health and physical education against the Statement and Profile for Australian schools : initial report on findings of a survey undertaken for the National Professional Development Project in Health and Physical Education / prepared by David Kirk with the assistance of Geoff Emmett ... [and others]
Educational surveys -- Case studies. : Designing online questionnaires for course evaluation and regional educational needs assessment / Augusto V. C. Legaspi, Scott H. Henwood
Educational surveys -- China : Utopia in the revival of Confucian education : an ethnography of the classics-reading movement in contemporary China / by Sandra Gilgan
Educational surveys -- Congresses. : Educational evaluation : recent progress, future needs / proceedings of the Minnesota Evaluation Conference, May, 1980 ; contributors W. James Popham ... [and others] ; Wayne W. Welch, editor
Educational surveys -- Ontario : Opportunity and uncertainty : life course experiences of the class of '73 / Paul Anisef [and others] ; in collaboration with Fred Ashbury, Gottfried Paasche, and Zeng Lin
Educational surveys -- Portugal. : Social stratification and classroom discourse : a sociolinguistic analysis of classroom practice / EmÃlia Ribeiro Pedro
Educational surveys -- Southern States : Becoming less separate? : school desegregation, Justice Department enforcement, and the pursuit of unitary status