Psychoanalytic theory focusing on interpretation of behavior in reference to self. (From APA, Thesaurus of Psychological Terms, 1994) This elaboration of the psychoanalytic concepts of narcissism and the self, was developed by Heinz Kohut, and stresses the importance of the self-awareness of excessive needs for approval and self-gratification
Ego strength. : Being Me: Happy To Be Me - Ep 2 Of 8
Ego-tripping Giovanni, Nikki : Poetry for students. Volume 28 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied poetry / Ira Mark Milne, project editor
Ego -- United States. : The bifurcation of the self : the history and theory of dissociation and its disorders / Robert W. Rieber
Egoism -- Social aspects : Beyond the dichotomy between altruism and egoism : society, relationship, and responsibility / Emiliana Mangone, University of Salerno
The conscious portion of the personality structure which serves to mediate between the demands of the primitive instinctual drives, (the id), of internalized parental and social prohibitions or the conscience, (the superego), and of reality