Embroidery, English -- Exhibitions : Three hundred years of embroidery 1600-1900 : treasures from the collection of the Embroiderers' Guild of Great Britain / Pauline Johnstone
Embroidery -- Exhibitions. : Three hundred years of embroidery 1600-1900 : treasures from the collection of the Embroiderers' Guild of Great Britain / Pauline Johnstone
Embroidery -- In art -- Exhibitions. : Stitches = fare il punto / [editorial co-ordinators, Ilaria Vanni, Helen Trepa ; essayists, Ilaria Vanni, Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli]
Embroidery in literature. : Women writing cloth : migratory fictions in the American imaginary / Mary Jo Bona
Embroidery, Medieval -- France -- Bayeux : The Bayeux tapestry and its contexts : a reassessment / Elizabeth Carson Pastan and Stephen D. White with Kate Gilbert
Embroidery -- Palestine. : Palestinian embroidery : cross-stitch patterns from the traditional costumes of the village women of Palestine / Shelagh Weir and Serene Shahid
Embroidery -- Themes, motives. : Embroidered textiles : traditional patterns from five continents with a worldwide guide to identification / Sheila Paine
Embroidery, Tudor. : A Picture book of English embroideries Elizabethan & Stuart / Victoria & Albert Museum