Emergency management -- Australasia -- Congresses. : Disaster management : crisis and opportunity : hazard management and disaster preparedness in Australasia and the Pacific region : proceedings of the Conference held at Cairns, November 1st to 4th, 1998 / edited by David King and Linda Berry
Emergency management -- Belgium : Waarheidsvinding en adviesverlening bij rampen : naar een onderzoeksorgaan voor veiligheid in België? : onder redactie van Jeroen Maesschalck [and four others]
Emergency management -- Bosnia and Herzegovina : Peacekeepers. Season 1, Episode 13, I.R.T. (Immediate Response Team) / producer, Mina Courtauld ; director, Madeleine Hall ; First Circle Films in association with IBT for UKTV
Emergency management -- Bulgaria : Disasters, culture, politics : Chinese-Bulgarian anthropological contribution to the study of critical situations / edited by Elya Tzaneva, with Fang Sumei and Liu Mingxin
Emergency management -- California : Natural hazard mitigation policy : implementation, organizational choice, and contextual dynamics / Daniel J. Alesch, Lucy A. Arendt, William J. Petak
Emergency management -- California -- Loma Prieta Region -- Congresses : Practical Lessons from the Loma Prieta Earthquake : Report from a Symposium Sponsored by the Geotechnical Board and the Board on Natural Disasters of the National Research Council : Symposium Held in Conjunction with the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute ... [et al.]
Emergency management -- Colombia -- Suba : Propuesta de mitigación para los sectores críticos de inundación en la localidad de Suba / autores, Ronal Orlando Serrano Romero, Daniel Hernando Hernández Gómez
Emergency management -- Computer simulation : Co-evolution of intelligent socio-technical systems : modelling and applications in large scale emergency and transport domains / Eve Mitleton-Kelly, editor
Emergency management -- Cross-cultural studies : Cultural competency for emergency and crisis management : concepts, theories and case studies / edited by Claire Connolly Knox and Brittany "Brie" Haupt