Emergency management -- Indian Ocean Region : The 2004 hurricanes in the Caribbean and the tsunami in the Indian Ocean : lessons and policy changes for development and disaster reduction / Ricardo Zapata Martí
Emergency management -- Indonesia : Explaining Indonesia's foreign policy : the role of the military in post natural disaster management / Emilia Yustiningrum
Emergency management -- Information technology -- Congresses : Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Mediterranean Countries : second international conference, ISCRAM-med 2015, Tunis, Tunisia, October 28-30, 2015, proceedings / edited by Narjès Bellamine Ben Saoud, Carole Adam, Chihab Hanachi
Emergency management -- Law and legislation -- Congresses : International law and chemical, biological, radio-nuclear (CBRN) events : towards an all-hazards approach / edited by Andrea de Guttry, Micaela Frulli, Federico Casolari, Ludovica Poli
Emergency management -- Lebanon -- Beirut -- Case studies : Beirut port blast : an escapable disaster in more than one way / authored by Roula Al Daia (Faculty of Business and Management, University of Balamand, Tripoli, Lebanon), Hala Khayr Yaacoub (Faculty of Business and Management, University of Balamand, Tripoli, Lebanon)
Emergency management -- Louisiana : Environmental public health impacts of disasters : Hurricane Katrina : workshop summary / Lynn Goldman and Christine Coussens, rapporteurs ; Roundtable on Environmental Health Sciences, Research, and Medicine ; Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice ; Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Emergency management -- Malaysia : Vulnerability, social capital and disaster preparedness : experiences of the Orang Asli families in Malaysia / Sumaiya Sadeka, Mohd Suhaimi Mohamad, Sujahangir Kabir Sarkar, Abul Quasem Al-Amin
Emergency management -- Manitoba : Treading water / directed by Janelle Wookey ; written by Janelle & Jéré#x81 ; mie Wookey ; Wookey Films, Nüman Films
Emergency management -- Mathematics : Handbook for management of threats : security and defense, resilience and optimal strategies / Konstantinos P. Balomenos, Antonios Fytopoulos, Panos M. Pardalos, editors
Emergency management -- Mississippi : America's great storm : leading through Hurricane Katrina / Haley Barbour, with Jere Nash ; foreword by Ricky Mathews
Emergency management -- New Jersey : Port recovery in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy : improving port resiliency in the era of climate change / by Linda A. Sturgis, Tiffany C. Smythe and Andrew E. Tucci