Energy metabolism -- Problems, exercises, etc. : Clinical detective stories : a problem-based approach to clinical cases in energy and acid-base metabolism / Mitchell L. Halperin, Francis S. Rolleston
Energy metabolism -- Study and teaching (Higher) : Clinical detective stories : a problem-based approach to clinical cases in energy and acid-base metabolism / Mitchell L. Halperin, Francis S. Rolleston
Energy minerals -- Australia. : Proceedings of the Energy 2000 Conference, Lakeside International Hotel, Canberra A.C.T., 3 & 4 September, 1986
Energy minerals -- China. : Papers on China's energy potential / by A.D. Owen, Penelope Neal, Yong Tong
Energy minerals -- Government policy -- Australia : Developing Australia's critical minerals and rare earths : implementing the outcomes from the 2023 Darwin Dialogue / John Coyne and Henry Campbell
Energy minerals -- United States : Red power energy / produced, written & directed by Lisa D. Olken ; directed by Larry Pourier ; director of photography Charles 'Boots' Kennedye ; editor Dave Wruck ; narrated by Tristan Ahtone
Energy Planning, Policy And Economy. : Plant biology research and training for the 21st century / Committee on an Examination of Plant Science Research Programs in the United States, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council
energy policies. : Biofuels for transport : global potential and implications for sustainable energy and agriculture / Worldwatch Institute
Energy policies -- United States : Blood and oil : the dangers and consequences of America's growing petroleum dependency / Michael T. Klare
Energy policy -- Albania : Albania : second and third reviews under the extended arrangement and request for waiver for the nonobservance of performance criterion, waiver of applicability of performance criteria, and rephasing of future disbursements: staff report: press release: and statement by the Executive Director for Albania
Energy policy Argentina : Natural gas, energy policy, and regional development : Brazil and the southern cone / Peter DeShazo, Sarah Ladislaw, Tanya Primiani
Energy policy -- Armenia (Republic) : From crisis to stability in the Armenian power sector : lessons learned from Armenia's energy reform experience / Gevorg Sargsyan, Ani Balabanyan, Denzel Hankinson