England -- Description and travel -- Guidebooks. : England / this edition written and researched by Neil Wilson, Oliver Berry, Fionn Davenport, Marc Di Duca, Belinda Dixon, Peter Dragicevich, Damian Harper, Catherine Le Nevez
England Detectives Psychology : Human factors in the quality control of CID investigations / by Barrie Irving and Colin Dunnighan. A brief review of relevant police training / by Barrie Irving and Ian McKenzie
England Detention of persons Early works to 1800 : The lawes subversion: or, Sir John Maynards case truly stated : Being a perfect relation of the manner of his imprisonment upon pleasure, for the space of five moneths by the House of Commons, and of the impeachment of high treason exhibited against him before the Lords, together with all the passages between him and the Lords, in messages to them, and speeches at their barre, as they were taken from his own mouth. VVherein also is contained a cleare discovery of the dangerous and destructive infringement of our native liberties, and of the arbitrary government now introduced by an aspiring faction over-awing the Parliament. Also that groundlesse false report concerning Sir Iohn Maynards submitting to the Lords jurisdiction refuted, to the shame of the reporters. / By J. Howldin, Gent
England Detonation waves Birmingham : Facing the fire. Episode 5, Detonation / producer/directors, Lucy Fyson, Tom Olney, Elizabeth Toms ; series producer, Nick Kenton ; UKTV original production by IMG Productions