England Health counseling London Case studies : Understanding counselling in primary care : voices from the inner city / edited by Marilyn Pietroni, Alison Vaspe ; foreword by Ellen Noonan
England Health education : More people, more active, more often : physical activity in England, a consultation paper / Physical Activity Task Force
England Health planning Government policy : The health of the nation : a strategy for health in England / presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Health, by command of Her Majesty, July 1992
England Health resorts Leamington : Original songs on the virtues and medicinal qualities of the waters at Leamington Spa / by J. Bisset
England Health resorts Leamington-Spa : A practical dissertation on the waters of Leamington-Spa : including the history of the springs, a new analysis of their gaseous and solid contents, the rules for drinking the waters, bathing, diet of the patients, and other regimen. By Charles Loudon
England Health resorts Surrey : An account of the Beaulah saline spa at Norwood, Surrey : containing a description of its medicinal properties and effects, of the diseases in which it is remedial, and directions for its use, by George Hume Weatherhead, ... Third edition
England Heathlands East Devon : Landscape in the longue durée : a history and theory of pebbles in a pebbled heathland landscape / Christopher Tilley ; with contributions by Michael J. Allen [and 6 others]
England Hemvärnet historia : Contesting home defence : men, women and the Home Guard in the Second World War / Penny Summerfield and Corinna Peniston-Bird