Enginyeria industrial -- Mètodes estadístics. : Estimation of rare event probabilities in complex aerospace and other systems : a practical approach / Jérôme Morio and Mathieu Balesdent
England Abbeys Selby : Selby Abbey : guide book with illustrations / Selby Abbey
England Abbeys Somerset History : The early history of Glastonbury : an edition, translation, and study of William of Malmesbury's De antiquitate Glastonie ecclesie / John Scott
England Abbots : Abbots and priors of late medieval and reformation England / Martin Heale
England Abbots Bury St Edmunds : A history of the Abbey of Bury St. Edmunds, 1182-1256 : Samson of Tottington to Edmund of Walpole / Antonia Gransden
England Abduction History : Stolen women in medieval England : rape, abduction and adultery, 1100-1500 / Caroline Dunn
England Abolitionists London : Robert Wedderburn, abolition, and the commons : romanticism's Black geographies / Katey Castellano, James Madison University
England Abortion Social aspects : Invisible labours : the reproductive politics of second trimester pregnancy loss in England / Aimee Louise Middlemiss
England Abuse of rights History : Private property and abuse of rights in Victorian England : the story of Edward Pickles and the Bradford water supply / Michael Taggart
England Abused children Services for Henley : Developing neighbourhood support and child protection strategies : the Henley Safe Children Project / Norma Baldwin, Lyn Carruthers
England Abused wives Longitudinal studies : Private violence and public policy : the needs of battered women and the response of the public services / edited by Jan Pahl
England Abused wives Services for : Private violence and public policy : the needs of battered women and the response of the public services / edited by Jan Pahl