Collection, analysis, and interpretation of data about the frequency, distribution, and consequences of disease or health conditions, for use in the planning, implementing, and evaluating public health programs
Epidemiologic Studies -- China : The China-U.S. partnership to prevent spina bifida : the evolution of a landmark epidemiological study / Deborah Kowal
Epidemiologic Studies -- United States : The China-U.S. partnership to prevent spina bifida : the evolution of a landmark epidemiological study / Deborah Kowal
Studies designed to examine associations, commonly, hypothesized causal relations. They are usually concerned with identifying or measuring the effects of risk factors or exposures. The common types of analytic study are CASE-CONTROL STUDIES; COHORT STUDIES; and CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDIES
Collection, analysis, and interpretation of data about the frequency, distribution, and consequences of disease or health conditions, for use in the planning, implementing, and evaluating public health programs
Collection, analysis, and interpretation of data about the frequency, distribution, and consequences of disease or health conditions, for use in the planning, implementing, and evaluating public health programs
Epidemiological Society of London -- Periodicals. / : Transactions of the Epidemiological Society of London
Studies designed to examine associations, commonly, hypothesized causal relations. They are usually concerned with identifying or measuring the effects of risk factors or exposures. The common types of analytic study are CASE-CONTROL STUDIES; COHORT STUDIES; and CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDIES
Studies designed to examine associations, commonly, hypothesized causal relations. They are usually concerned with identifying or measuring the effects of risk factors or exposures. The common types of analytic study are CASE-CONTROL STUDIES; COHORT STUDIES; and CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDIES
Epidemiological surveys. : Bovine tuberculosis / edited by Stephen Gordon, University College Dublin, Ireland Mark Chambers, University of Surrey, UK, Paul Barrow, University of Nottingham, UK and Francisco Olea-Popelka, Colorado State University, USA
Here are entered works on the mortality decline and changes in disease occurrence from primarily communicable diseases to chronic non-communicable diseases that occur with economic development
Épidémiologie -- Modèles mathématiques. : Stochastic processes in epidemiology : HIV/AIDS, other infectious diseases, and computers / Charles J. Mode, Candace K. Sleeman
Épidémiologie moléculaire. : Molecular epidemiology of microorganisms : methods and protocols / edited by Dominique A. Caugant
épidémiologie Paludisme : Le fardeau socio-économique du paludisme en Afrique : une analyse économétrique / Hachimi Sanni Yaya, Albert Ze