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Epilepsies, Focal -- See Epilepsies, Partial

Conditions characterized by recurrent paroxysmal neuronal discharges which arise from a focal region of the brain. Partial seizures are divided into simple and complex, depending on whether consciousness is unaltered (simple partial seizure) or disturbed (complex partial seizure). Both types may feature a wide variety of motor, sensory, and autonomic symptoms. Partial seizures may be classified by associated clinical features or anatomic location of the seizure focus. A secondary generalized seizure refers to a partial seizure that spreads to involve the brain diffusely. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp317)

Epilepsies, Gelastic -- See Epilepsies, Partial

Conditions characterized by recurrent paroxysmal neuronal discharges which arise from a focal region of the brain. Partial seizures are divided into simple and complex, depending on whether consciousness is unaltered (simple partial seizure) or disturbed (complex partial seizure). Both types may feature a wide variety of motor, sensory, and autonomic symptoms. Partial seizures may be classified by associated clinical features or anatomic location of the seizure focus. A secondary generalized seizure refers to a partial seizure that spreads to involve the brain diffusely. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp317)

Epilepsies, Lateral Temporal -- See Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe

A localization-related (focal) form of epilepsy characterized by recurrent seizures that arise from foci within the TEMPORAL LOBE, most commonly from its mesial aspect. A wide variety of psychic phenomena may be associated, including illusions, hallucinations, dyscognitive states, and affective experiences. The majority of complex partial seizures (see EPILEPSY, COMPLEX PARTIAL) originate from the temporal lobes. Temporal lobe seizures may be classified by etiology as cryptogenic, familial, or symptomatic. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p321)

Epilepsies, Localization-Related -- See Epilepsies, Partial

Conditions characterized by recurrent paroxysmal neuronal discharges which arise from a focal region of the brain. Partial seizures are divided into simple and complex, depending on whether consciousness is unaltered (simple partial seizure) or disturbed (complex partial seizure). Both types may feature a wide variety of motor, sensory, and autonomic symptoms. Partial seizures may be classified by associated clinical features or anatomic location of the seizure focus. A secondary generalized seizure refers to a partial seizure that spreads to involve the brain diffusely. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp317)
Epilepsies, Myoclonic -- genetics : Dravet Syndrome / authors, Charlotte Dravet, Renzo Guerrini  2011 1
Epilepsies, Myoclonic -- therapy : Dravet Syndrome / authors, Charlotte Dravet, Renzo Guerrini  2011 1

Epilepsies, Occipital Lobe -- See Epilepsies, Partial

Conditions characterized by recurrent paroxysmal neuronal discharges which arise from a focal region of the brain. Partial seizures are divided into simple and complex, depending on whether consciousness is unaltered (simple partial seizure) or disturbed (complex partial seizure). Both types may feature a wide variety of motor, sensory, and autonomic symptoms. Partial seizures may be classified by associated clinical features or anatomic location of the seizure focus. A secondary generalized seizure refers to a partial seizure that spreads to involve the brain diffusely. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp317)
Epilepsies, Partial -- surgery : Surgical neuropathology of focal epilepsies : textbook and atlas / Ingmar Blümcke, Harvey B. Sarnat, Roland Coras  2015 1

Epilepsies, Rhinencephalic -- See Epilepsies, Partial

Conditions characterized by recurrent paroxysmal neuronal discharges which arise from a focal region of the brain. Partial seizures are divided into simple and complex, depending on whether consciousness is unaltered (simple partial seizure) or disturbed (complex partial seizure). Both types may feature a wide variety of motor, sensory, and autonomic symptoms. Partial seizures may be classified by associated clinical features or anatomic location of the seizure focus. A secondary generalized seizure refers to a partial seizure that spreads to involve the brain diffusely. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp317)

Epilepsies, Simple Partial -- See Epilepsies, Partial

Conditions characterized by recurrent paroxysmal neuronal discharges which arise from a focal region of the brain. Partial seizures are divided into simple and complex, depending on whether consciousness is unaltered (simple partial seizure) or disturbed (complex partial seizure). Both types may feature a wide variety of motor, sensory, and autonomic symptoms. Partial seizures may be classified by associated clinical features or anatomic location of the seizure focus. A secondary generalized seizure refers to a partial seizure that spreads to involve the brain diffusely. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp317)

Epilepsies, Temporal Lobe -- See Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe

A localization-related (focal) form of epilepsy characterized by recurrent seizures that arise from foci within the TEMPORAL LOBE, most commonly from its mesial aspect. A wide variety of psychic phenomena may be associated, including illusions, hallucinations, dyscognitive states, and affective experiences. The majority of complex partial seizures (see EPILEPSY, COMPLEX PARTIAL) originate from the temporal lobes. Temporal lobe seizures may be classified by etiology as cryptogenic, familial, or symptomatic. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p321)

Epilepsies, Uncinate -- See Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe

A localization-related (focal) form of epilepsy characterized by recurrent seizures that arise from foci within the TEMPORAL LOBE, most commonly from its mesial aspect. A wide variety of psychic phenomena may be associated, including illusions, hallucinations, dyscognitive states, and affective experiences. The majority of complex partial seizures (see EPILEPSY, COMPLEX PARTIAL) originate from the temporal lobes. Temporal lobe seizures may be classified by etiology as cryptogenic, familial, or symptomatic. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p321)
Epilepst -- therapy : A clinical guide to epileptic syndromes and their treatment / C P. Panayiotopoulos  2010 1
  Epilepsy -- 8 Related Subjects   8
Epilepsy.   181

Epilepsy, Abdominal -- See Epilepsies, Partial

Conditions characterized by recurrent paroxysmal neuronal discharges which arise from a focal region of the brain. Partial seizures are divided into simple and complex, depending on whether consciousness is unaltered (simple partial seizure) or disturbed (complex partial seizure). Both types may feature a wide variety of motor, sensory, and autonomic symptoms. Partial seizures may be classified by associated clinical features or anatomic location of the seizure focus. A secondary generalized seizure refers to a partial seizure that spreads to involve the brain diffusely. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp317)
Epilepsy -- Abstracts -- Periodicals : Current medical literature. Epilepsy monitor (Online)    1
Epilepsy -- Alternative treatment   2
Epilepsy -- Animal models   3
Epilepsy -- Atlases   5
Epilepsy -- Audio-visual aids -- Catalogs. : Epilepsy in education : a manual for teachers / compiled by Meg Beaumont for the National Epilepsy Association of Australia  1988 1
Epilepsy -- Australia -- Victoria -- History. : A century of prejudice and progress : a paradigm of epilepsy in a developing society : medical and social aspects, Victoria, Australia, 1835-1950 / Peter F. Bladin  2001 1

Epilepsy, Awakening -- See Epilepsy

A disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of paroxysmal brain dysfunction due to a sudden, disorderly, and excessive neuronal discharge. Epilepsy classification systems are generally based upon: (1) clinical features of the seizure episodes (e.g., motor seizure), (2) etiology (e.g., post-traumatic), (3) anatomic site of seizure origin (e.g., frontal lobe seizure), (4) tendency to spread to other structures in the brain, and (5) temporal patterns (e.g., nocturnal epilepsy). (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p313)
Epilepsy, Benign Neonatal -- etiology : KCNQ2- and KCNQ3-associated epilepsy / edited by Sarah Weckhuysen, Alfred L. George  2022 1
Epilepsy, Benign Neonatal -- genetics : KCNQ2- and KCNQ3-associated epilepsy / edited by Sarah Weckhuysen, Alfred L. George  2022 1

Epilepsy, Benign Occipital -- See Epilepsies, Partial

Conditions characterized by recurrent paroxysmal neuronal discharges which arise from a focal region of the brain. Partial seizures are divided into simple and complex, depending on whether consciousness is unaltered (simple partial seizure) or disturbed (complex partial seizure). Both types may feature a wide variety of motor, sensory, and autonomic symptoms. Partial seizures may be classified by associated clinical features or anatomic location of the seizure focus. A secondary generalized seizure refers to a partial seizure that spreads to involve the brain diffusely. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp317)

Epilepsy, Benign Psychomotor, Childhood -- See Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe

A localization-related (focal) form of epilepsy characterized by recurrent seizures that arise from foci within the TEMPORAL LOBE, most commonly from its mesial aspect. A wide variety of psychic phenomena may be associated, including illusions, hallucinations, dyscognitive states, and affective experiences. The majority of complex partial seizures (see EPILEPSY, COMPLEX PARTIAL) originate from the temporal lobes. Temporal lobe seizures may be classified by etiology as cryptogenic, familial, or symptomatic. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p321)
Epilepsy -- Case studies   4
Epilepsy -- Case studies -- Periodicals : Epilepsy & behavior case reports  2019 1
Epilepsy -- Charts, diagrams, etc. : Understanding epilepsy / developed and illustrated by David A. Rini ; edited by Colleen M. Ebacher ; consultation by Ronald P. Lesser  1995 1
Epilepsy -- Chemotherapy   12
Epilepsy -- Chemotherapy -- Complications.   3
Epilepsy -- Chemotherapy -- Handbooks, manuals, etc   5
Epilepsy -- classification : The Comprehensive evaluation and treatment of epilepsy : a practical guide / edited by Steven C. Schachter, Donald L. Schomer  1997 1
Epilepsy -- Complications   15
Epilepsy -- Congresses.   3

Epilepsy, Cryptogenic -- See Epilepsy

A disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of paroxysmal brain dysfunction due to a sudden, disorderly, and excessive neuronal discharge. Epilepsy classification systems are generally based upon: (1) clinical features of the seizure episodes (e.g., motor seizure), (2) etiology (e.g., post-traumatic), (3) anatomic site of seizure origin (e.g., frontal lobe seizure), (4) tendency to spread to other structures in the brain, and (5) temporal patterns (e.g., nocturnal epilepsy). (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p313)
Epilepsy -- Developing countries : Epilepsy : global issues for the practicing neurologist / Jerome Engel [and others]  2005 1
Epilepsy -- Diagnosis   37
Epilepsy -- Diagnosis -- Atlases : The atlas of epilepsies / C.P. Panayiotopoulos  2010 1
Epilepsy -- Diagnosis -- History : The neurological emergence of epilepsy : the National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic (1870-1895) / Vasia Lekka  2014 1
Epilepsy -- diagnostic imaging : Imaging biomarkers in epilepsy / edited by Andrea Bernasconi, Neda Ladbon-Bernasconi, Matthias Koepp  2019 1
Epilepsy -- Dictionaries.   3
Epilepsy -- Diet therapy   4
Epilepsy -- Directories. : Epilepsy in education : a manual for teachers / compiled by Meg Beaumont for the National Epilepsy Association of Australia  1988 1
Epilepsy -- Drama. : Mean streets / Warner Bros. Pictures ; Taplin-Perry-Scorsese Productions ; Martin Scorsese and Mardik Martin, screenplay ; Martin Scorsese, story ; Jonathan T. Taplin, producer ; Martin Scorsese, director  2004 1
Epilepsy -- drug therapy   12
Epilepsy -- Early works to 1800 : Die hippokratische Schrift Über die heilige Krankheit  1968 1
Epilepsy -- economics. : Economic evaluation of epilepsy management : proceedings of the Symposium on Economic Aspects of Epilepsy at the 21st International Epilepsy Congress in Sydney, 5 September 1995 / edited by Christoph Pachlatko, Roy G. Beran  1996 1
Epilepsy -- Education. : Epilepsy in education : a manual for teachers / compiled by Meg Beaumont for the National Epilepsy Association of Australia  1988 1
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