Etudes bibliographiques. : Thinking about Yugoslavia : scholarly debates about the Yugoslav breakup and the wars in Bosnia and Kosovo / Sabrina P. Ramet
Études, cas de Crimes et criminels Indonésie : Figures of criminality in Indonesia, the Philippines, and colonial Vietnam / Vicente L. Rafael, editor ; [Rudolf Mrázek and others]
Études, cas de Crimes et criminels Viet-Nam : Figures of criminality in Indonesia, the Philippines, and colonial Vietnam / Vicente L. Rafael, editor ; [Rudolf Mrázek and others]
Études comparatives Aidants naturels : Women's work is never done : comparative studies in caregiving, employment, and social policy reform / edited by Sylvia Bashevkin
Etudes comparatives Anthropologie et éducation : Policy as practice : toward a comparative sociocultural analysis of educational policy / edited by Margaret Sutton and Bradley A.U. Levinson
Études comparatives Avocates : The First Women Lawyers : a Comparative Study of Gender, Law and the Legal Professions
Études comparatives Changement social : Modernization and postmodernization : cultural, economic, and political change in 43 societies / Ronald Inglehart
Etudes comparatives Clientélisme : Politicization of the civil service in comparative perspective : the quest for control / edited by B. Guy Peters and Jon Pierre
Etudes comparatives Corruption judiciaire : Judicial misconduct : a cross-national comparison / by Mary L. Volcansek with Maria Elisabetta de Franciscis and Jacqueline Lucienne Lafon
Études comparatives Droit coutumier : Études sur l'ancien droit et la coutume primitive par Sir Henri Sumner Maine ... Tr. de l'Anglais avec l'autorisation de l'auteur
Études comparatives Droit Histoire : Études sur l'ancien droit et la coutume primitive par Sir Henri Sumner Maine ... Tr. de l'Anglais avec l'autorisation de l'auteur
Etudes comparatives Education et Etat : Policy as practice : toward a comparative sociocultural analysis of educational policy / edited by Margaret Sutton and Bradley A.U. Levinson