Eugénisme -- États-Unis -- Histoire. : Building a better race : gender, sexuality, and eugenics from the turn of the century to the baby boom / Wendy Kline
Eugénisme -- Histoire. : The politics of heredity : essays on eugenics, biomedicine, and the nature-nurture debate / Diane B. Paul
Euikyung Shin. : Spatial citizenship education : citizenship through geography / edited by Euikyung E. Shin and Sarah Witham Bednarz
Euing, William : The Euing Collection of English broadside ballads in the Library of the University of Glasgow / with an introduction by John Holloway
Euing, William, 1788-1874 : The Euing Collection of English broadside ballads in the Library of the University of Glasgow / with an introduction by John Holloway
One of the three domains of life (the others being BACTERIA and ARCHAEA), also called Eukarya. These are organisms whose cells are enclosed in membranes and possess a nucleus. They comprise almost all multicellular and many unicellular organisms, and are traditionally divided into groups (sometimes called kingdoms) including ANIMALS; PLANTS; FUNGI; and various algae and other taxa that were previously part of the old kingdom Protista
Eukaryota -- cytology : Structures and organelles in pathogenic protists / Wanderley de Souza, editor
Eukaryota -- enzymology : Cysteine proteases of pathogenic organisms / edited by Mark W. Robinson, John P. Dalton
Eukaryota -- genetics : Kin recognition in protists and other microbes : genetics, evolution, behavior and health / by Guillermo Paz-y-Miño-C and Avelina Espinosa
Eukaryota -- metabolism : Polyextremophiles : life under multiple forms of stress / edited by Joseph Seckbach, Aharon Oren, Helga Stan-Lotter
Eukaryota -- radiation effects : An evaluation of the U.S. Navy's Extremely Low Frequency Communications System Ecological Monitoring Program / Committee to Evaluate the U.S. Navy's Extremely Low Frequency Communications System Ecological Monitoring Program, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council
One of the three domains of life (the others being BACTERIA and ARCHAEA), also called Eukarya. These are organisms whose cells are enclosed in membranes and possess a nucleus. They comprise almost all multicellular and many unicellular organisms, and are traditionally divided into groups (sometimes called kingdoms) including ANIMALS; PLANTS; FUNGI; and various algae and other taxa that were previously part of the old kingdom Protista
One of the three domains of life (the others being BACTERIA and ARCHAEA), also called Eukarya. These are organisms whose cells are enclosed in membranes and possess a nucleus. They comprise almost all multicellular and many unicellular organisms, and are traditionally divided into groups (sometimes called kingdoms) including ANIMALS; PLANTS; FUNGI; and various algae and other taxa that were previously part of the old kingdom Protista
One of the three domains of life (the others being BACTERIA and ARCHAEA), also called Eukarya. These are organisms whose cells are enclosed in membranes and possess a nucleus. They comprise almost all multicellular and many unicellular organisms, and are traditionally divided into groups (sometimes called kingdoms) including ANIMALS; PLANTS; FUNGI; and various algae and other taxa that were previously part of the old kingdom Protista