Eugenie McNeil -- 1886-1983 : A bunyip close behind me, &, Ladies didn't / the recollections of Eugénie McNeil ; retold by her daughter Eugénie Crawford
Eugénisme -- États-Unis -- Histoire. : Building a better race : gender, sexuality, and eugenics from the turn of the century to the baby boom / Wendy Kline
Eugénisme -- Histoire. : The politics of heredity : essays on eugenics, biomedicine, and the nature-nurture debate / Diane B. Paul
Euikyung Shin. : Spatial citizenship education : citizenship through geography / edited by Euikyung E. Shin and Sarah Witham Bednarz
Euing, William : The Euing Collection of English broadside ballads in the Library of the University of Glasgow / with an introduction by John Holloway
Euing, William, 1788-1874 : The Euing Collection of English broadside ballads in the Library of the University of Glasgow / with an introduction by John Holloway