Europe, Central -- Antiquities -- Congresses : Living well together? : settlement and materiality in the Neolithic of south-east and central Europe / edited by Douglass W. Bailey, Alasdair Whittle and Daniela Hofmann
Europe, Central -- Antiquities, Slavic : Archäologie der westlichen Slawen : Siedlung, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im früh- und hochmittelalterlichen Ostmitteleuropa / Sebastian Brather
Europe, Central Antisemitism : Laboratory for world destruction : Germans and Jews in Central Europe / Robert S. Wistrich
Europe, Central Archaeology : Bringing down the Iron Curtain : paradigmatic change in research on the Bronze Age in Central and Eastern Europe? / edited by Klara Šabatová [and four others]
Europe, Central Archaeology, Medieval : Archäologie der westlichen Slawen : Siedlung, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im früh- und hochmittelalterlichen Ostmitteleuropa / Sebastian Brather
Europe, Central Architecture : Competing visions : aesthetic invention and social imagination in Central European architecture, 1867-1918 / Ákos Moravánskzy
Europe, Central Architecture 19th century : Shaping the great city : modern architecture in Central Europe, 1890-1937 / edited by Eve Blau and Monika Platzer ; in association with the Bundesministerium fur Unterricht und Kulturelle Angelegenheiten, Vienna ... [and others] ; with contributions by Friedrich Achleitner ... [and others]
Europe, Central Art centers : Museums and centers of contemporary art in Central Europe after 1989 / Katarzyna Jagodzińska ; translated by Carolyn C. Guile
Europe, Central Art museums : Museums and centers of contemporary art in Central Europe after 1989 / Katarzyna Jagodzińska ; translated by Carolyn C. Guile
Europe, Central Atheism Hisitory 21st century : Freethought and atheism in Central and Eastern Europe : the development of secularity and nonreligion / edited by Tomáš Bubík, Atko Remmel, David Václavík
Europe, Central Atheism History 20th century : Freethought and atheism in Central and Eastern Europe : the development of secularity and nonreligion / edited by Tomáš Bubík, Atko Remmel, David Václavík
Europe, Central Atlantic Ocean Commerce : Globalized peripheries : Central Europe and the Atlantic world, 1680-1860 / edited by Jutta Wimmler and Klaus Weber
Europe, Central Bank management : Does supply or demand drive the credit cycle? : evidence from Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe / prepared by Greetje Everaert [and others]
Europe, Central Banks and banking Congresses : The changing financial landscape : financial performance analysis of real and banking sectors in Europe / Goran Karanovic, Persefoni Polychronidou, Anastasios Karasavvoglou, editors