Europe Gautama Buddha Cult History : Strange tales of an Oriental idol : an anthology of early European portrayals of the Buddha / edited by Donald S. Lopez Jr
Europe Gay & Lesbian studies : LGBT activism and the making of Europe : a rainbow Europe / edited by Phillip M. Ayoub, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science, Drexel University, USA, and David Paternotte, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Political Science, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Europe Gay & Lesbian studies Relating to Gay & Lesbian : LGBT activism and the making of Europe : a rainbow Europe / edited by Phillip M. Ayoub, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science, Drexel University, USA, and David Paternotte, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Political Science, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Europe Gay rights Political aspects : Tensions in the struggle for sexual minority rights in Europe : que(e)rying political practices / Nicolas J. Beger
Europe -- Gazetteers. : Place names of the world. Europe : historical context, meanings and changes / John Everett-Heath
Europe Gender & the law : Institutionalizing intersectionality : the changing nature of European equality regimes / edited by Andrea Krizsan, Hege Skjeie and Judith Squires
Europe Gender mainstreaming : Gender mainstreaming and gender equality in Europe : policies, culture and public opinion / Vera Lomazzi, Isabella Crespi
Europe Gender studies, gender groups Relating to Gay & Lesbian : LGBT activism and the making of Europe : a rainbow Europe / edited by Phillip M. Ayoub, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science, Drexel University, USA, and David Paternotte, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Political Science, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium