Evans, George -- Trials, litigation, etc : The judgment of the Right Hon. Stephen Lushington, D.C.L. &c., &c., &c. : delivered in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of London in the cases of Westerton against Liddell (clerk) and Horne and others, and Beal against Liddell (clerk) and Parke and Evans, on 5th December 1855 / edited by A.F. Bayford
Evans, Geraldine, 1948-1949. : Report of an inquiry into certain matters arising out of the deaths of Mrs. Beryl Evans and of Geraldine Evans and out of the conviction of Timothy John Evans of the murder of Geraldine Evans / report by Mr. J. Scott Henderson
Evans, Gil, 1912-1988. : Gil Evans : out of the cool : his life and music / Stephanie Stein Crease
Evans, Glenn, -1987. : City confidential. Season 5, episode 23, Honesdale : highway to Hell / an A&E original series ; producer, Michael Rogers ; produced by Jupiter Entertainment for A&E Television Networks
Evans, John, 1812-1861. : Massacre at Sand Creek : how Methodists were involved in an American tragedy / Gary L. Roberts
Evans, John -- Trials, litigation, etc : Trial of William Brigstock and others for murder and piracy : in the Circuit Court of the United States : Middle Circuit of the New Jersey district
Evans, Mari, 1919-2017. When in Rome : Poetry for students. Volume 36 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied poetry / Sara Constantakis, project editor
Evans, Philip, Saint, 1645-1679. : Short memorandum's upon the deaths of M. Philip Evans and M. John Lloyd both priests, who were executed at Cardiff in Glamorganshire the 22. day of July, 1679