Evolutionary. : The Routledge companion to theatre, performance, and cognitive science / Bruce McConachie
Evolutionary anthropology. : Life as told by a Sapiens to a Neanderthal / Juan José Millás & Juan Luis Arsuaga, translated by Thomas Bunstead & Daniel Hahn
Here are entered works on biological evolution. Works on the general concept of evolution are entered under Evolution --subdivision Evolution under individual animals and groups of animals and under individual organs and regions of the body, e.g. Cattle--Evolution; Heart--Evolution
Evolutionary computation -- Decision making : Many-criteria optimization and decision analysis : state-of-the-art, present challenges, and future perspectives / Dimo Brockhoff, Michael Emmerich, Boris Naujoks, Robin Purshouse, editors
Evolutionary computation -- History : Rise of the self-replicators : early visions of machines, AI and robots that can reproduce and evolve / Tim Taylor, Alan Dorin
Evolutionary developmental biology -- Popular works. : Endless forms most beautiful : the new science of evo devo and the making of the animal kingdom / Sean B. Carroll ; with illustrations by Jamie W. Carroll, Josh P. Klaiss, Leanne M. Olds