Evolutionary paleobiology -- Australia. : Digging up deep time : fossils, dinosaurs and megabeasts from Australia's distant past / Paul Willis and Abbie Thomas
Evolutionary paleobiology -- South Africa : A search for origins : science, history and South Africa's Cradle of Humankind / edited by Philip Bonner, Amanda Esterhuysen, Trefor Jenkins
Evolutionary paleoecology -- Africa. : The African erosion surface : a continental-scale synthesis of geomorphology, tectonics, and environmental change over the past 180 million years / by Kevin Burke, Yanni Gunnell
Evolutionary paleoecology -- Oklahoma : Niche evolution and phylogentic community paleoecology of late Ordovician Crinoids / Selina R. Cole, David F. Wright
Evolutionary Psychology PSYCHOLOGY : Aesthetics after Darwin : the multiple origins and functions of art / Winfried Menninghaus ; translated by Alexandra Berlina
Evolutionary robotics -- Computer simulation : Enaction, embodiment, evolutionary robotics : simulation models for a post-cognitivist science of mind / Marieke Rohde ; with a preface by Ezequiel A. Di Paolo
Here are entered works on biological evolution. Works on the general concept of evolution are entered under Evolution --subdivision Evolution under individual animals and groups of animals and under individual organs and regions of the body, e.g. Cattle--Evolution; Heart--Evolution