Ex-convicts -- Training of -- Australia. : Employment, education and training opportunities for prisoners and ex-prisoners / National Board of Employment, Education and Training
Ex-convicts -- Vocational guidance : The road to reentry. Finding employment / produced, directed, and edited by Jeff Heck, NaJor Productions
Ex-convictst -- Québec (Province) -- Interviews : 5 shorts series. Interview with a free man / a film by Nicolas Lévesque ; NFB producers, Nathalie Cloutier, Colette Loumède ; Spirafilm producer, Catherine Benoit ; a National Film Board of Canada and Spirafilm production
Ex-cultists -- Cunseling of : Captive hearts, captive minds : freedom and recovery from cults and abusive relationships / Madeleine Landau Tobias and Janja Lalich
Ex-cultists -- Mental health. : Captive hearts, captive minds : freedom and recovery from cults and abusive relationships / Madeleine Landau Tobias and Janja Lalich
Ex-cultists -- Rehabilitation -- Case studies. : The use of snowball sampling to examine the differences between first- and second-generation ex-cult members' disaffiliation processes / Nicole A. Shoenberger
Ex-cultists -- United States -- Case studies. : Captive hearts, captive minds : freedom and recovery from cults and abusive relationships / Madeleine Landau Tobias and Janja Lalich
Ex-drug addicts. : Alltagsbewältigung ehemaliger Drogenabhängiger : Grenzen und Möglichkeiten der Unterstützung durch Selbsthilfegruppen / Stefanie Kitzinger
Ex-foster children -- Interviews : Reaching teens. Strength-based communication strategies to build resilience and support healthy adolescent development. 64.1, Interview with a 21-year-old foster care "graduate" who is now a foster care advocate. Auerswald, Youth. / [produced by] American Academy of Pediatrics
Ex-foster children -- Services for : Leaving care and the transition to adulthood : international contributions to theory, research and practice / edited by Varda R. Mann-Feder, Martin Goyette
Here are entered works on a movement led primarily by evangelical and fundamentalist Christians that that seeks to alter the sexual orientation of individuals from homosexuality to heterosexuality
Ex-gay movement -- Canada -- Videos (www) : Cure for love : eVideo] / produced by Earth To Sky Pictures Inc. in co-production with the National Film Board of Canada ; producers, Bonnie Thompson, Christina Willings ; writer, Christina Willings ; directors, Francine Pelletier, Christina Willings