Exercise -- physiology [MESH] : Essentials of strength training and conditioning / National Strength and Conditioning Association ; Thomas R. Baechle, editor
A type of strength-building exercise program that requires the body muscle to exert a force against some form of resistance, such as weight, stretch bands, water, or immovable objects. Resistance exercise is a combination of static and dynamic contractions involving shortening and lengthening of skeletal muscles
A type of strength-building exercise program that requires the body muscle to exert a force against some form of resistance, such as weight, stretch bands, water, or immovable objects. Resistance exercise is a combination of static and dynamic contractions involving shortening and lengthening of skeletal muscles
A type of strength-building exercise program that requires the body muscle to exert a force against some form of resistance, such as weight, stretch bands, water, or immovable objects. Resistance exercise is a combination of static and dynamic contractions involving shortening and lengthening of skeletal muscles
A type of strength-building exercise program that requires the body muscle to exert a force against some form of resistance, such as weight, stretch bands, water, or immovable objects. Resistance exercise is a combination of static and dynamic contractions involving shortening and lengthening of skeletal muscles
Exercise -- Psychological aspects -- Laboratory manuals : Laboratory manual for exercise physiology, exercise testing, and physical fitness / Terry J. Housh (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Joel T. Cramer (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Joseph P. Weir (University of Kansas), Travis W. Beck (University of Oklahoma), Glen O. Johnson (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Exercise -- Public opinion : Physical activity, health, health care reform, and lifestyle reform revisited / presented by Jeffrey P. Koplan ; produced by the American College of Sports Medicine
A regimen or plan of physical activities designed and prescribed for specific therapeutic goals. Its purpose is to restore normal musculoskeletal function or to reduce pain caused by diseases or injuries
A regimen or plan of physical activities designed and prescribed for specific therapeutic goals. Its purpose is to restore normal musculoskeletal function or to reduce pain caused by diseases or injuries
Exercise -- Research -- Statistical methods : Measurement and evaluation in physical activity applications : exercise science, physical education, coaching, athletic training, and health / Phillip A. Bishop
Exercise rimpac. : Canada's return to east Asia : re-engagement through maritime diplomacy / James Manicom
Exercise -- Social aspects -- Case studies : 'Race', youth sport, physical activity and health : global perspectives / Edited by Symeon Dagkas, Laura Azzarito and Kevin Hylton