Exercise therapy Lymphedema : Review of current practices and future directions in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of lymphoedema in Australia : report to the Australian Health Ministers' Advisory Council / [by the Medical Services Advisory Committee]
Exercise therapy -- Management. : Exercise management : concepts and professional practice / Laurel T. Mackinnon ... [and others]
Exercise therapy Mental health : Exercise and mental health / Josh M. Cisler, Kevin M. Crombie, Thomas G. Adams, editors
Exercise therapy Muscular atrophy : Propuesta de evaluación e intervención para pacientes hospitalizados con síndrome de desacondicionamiento físico (SDF) / Ft. Olga Cecilia Vargas Pinilla, Ft. Ana María Castro Montoy, Ft. Andrea Paola Vargas Guerrero
Exercise therapy Musculoskeletal system : Muscle energy techniques, with accompanying DVD / Leon Chaitow, with contribution from Ken Crenshaw ... [and others] ; foreword by Donald R Murphy ; illustrations by Graeme Chambers
Exercise therapy Nervous system Degeneration : Therapeutic exercise for Parkinson's disease and related disorders : a comprehensive clinical strategy for preventing and reversing neurodegeneration / César Alonso Aguilar Mejía
Exercise therapy Pain : Power of body awareness / written by the Medical Fitness Association ; presented by Elaine Petrone ; produced by Healthy Learning
Exercise therapy Scoliosis : Spinal asymmetry and scoliosis : movement and function solutions for the spine, ribcage and pelvis / Suzanne Clements Martin ; forewords, Madeline Black, Lorna Roza, Richard Rosen
Exercise therapy Shoulder pain : Relax your neck, liberate your shoulders : the ultimate exercise program for tension relief / Eric Franklin
Exercise therapy Spine Abnormalities : Freedom to move : movement therapy for spinal pain and injuries / Josephine Key ; forewords by Ginger Garner, Elizabeth Larkam, Thomas W Myers
Exercise therapy Spine Handbooks, manuals, etc : Freedom to move : movement therapy for spinal pain and injuries / Josephine Key ; forewords by Ginger Garner, Elizabeth Larkam, Thomas W Myers
Exercise therapy Spine Instability : Sarah Key's back sufferers' bible : understanding is half the cure. You can treat your own back! / Sarah Key