Exercise -- Research -- Statistical methods : Measurement and evaluation in physical activity applications : exercise science, physical education, coaching, athletic training, and health / Phillip A. Bishop
Exercise rimpac. : Canada's return to east Asia : re-engagement through maritime diplomacy / James Manicom
Exercise -- Social aspects -- Case studies : 'Race', youth sport, physical activity and health : global perspectives / Edited by Symeon Dagkas, Laura Azzarito and Kevin Hylton
Exercise Soldiers : Recognizing disordered eating and harmful weight control practices among military personnel / written by Athletic Business Conference and Expo ; presented by Leslie Schilling ; produced by Healthy Learning
Exercise -- Standards : 2008 physical activity guidelines for Americans : understanding the basics / written by the American College of Sports Medicine ; presented by Jacqueline N. Epping ; produced by Healthy Learning
Exercise -- Statistical methods : Statistics for exercise science and health with Microsoft Office Excel / J.P. Verma, Centre for Advanced Studies, Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior, India
Exercise -- Study and teaching (Primary) : Eat well & keep moving : an interdisciplinary curriculum for teaching upper elementary school nutrition and physical activity / Lilian W.Y. Cheung ... [and others]
Exercise -- Technique : The complete Assaf warm-up / directed and performed by Michèle Assaf ; produced by Allison Ellner and Michèle Assaf ; composed by Palms Down
Exercise -- Technological innovations -- Congresses : Innovation in physical activity and sport : selected papers from the 1st International Virtual Conference on Technology in Physical Activity and Sport / Borja Sañudo Corrales, Jerónimo García-Fernández, editors
Controlled physical activity which is performed in order to allow assessment of physiological functions, particularly cardiovascular and pulmonary, but also aerobic capacity. Maximal (most intense) exercise is usually required but submaximal exercise is also used
Controlled physical activity which is performed in order to allow assessment of physiological functions, particularly cardiovascular and pulmonary, but also aerobic capacity. Maximal (most intense) exercise is usually required but submaximal exercise is also used
Exercise tests -- Methods -- Practice Guideline : ACSM's exercise management for persons with chronic diseases and disabilities / Geoffrey E. Moore, J. Larry Durstine, Patricia L. Painter, editors
--subdivision Exercise therapy under individual diseases and types of diseases, e.g. Arthritis--Exercise therapy; Backache--Exercise therapy; Cancer--Exercise therapy; and subdivision Therapeutic use under types of exercise and activities, e.g. Breathing exercises--Therapeutic use; Swimming--Therapeutic use