Exiles -- El Salvador -- Biography -- Poetry : Flesh wounds : a poetic memoir / by Jorge Argueta ; prologue by Manlio Argueta ; En carne propia : memoria poética / por Jorge Argueta ; prólogo de Manilio Argueta
Exiles England : The exiled collector : William Bankes and the making of an English country house / Anne Sebba
Exiles -- England -- Biography : Jurists uprooted : German-speaking émigré lawyers in twentieth-century Britain / edited by Jack Beatson and Reinhard Zimmermann
Exiles -- England -- Devon. : The last farewell : Devon convicts transported to Australia, 1782-1821 / Jack Walton
Exiles -- England -- History : Exile memories and the Dutch Revolt : the narrated diaspora, 1550-1750 / by Johannes Müller
Exiles -- Europe, Central -- Congresses : Return from exile : exiles, returnees and their impact in the humanities and social sciences in Austria and Central Europe = Rückkehr aus dem Exil / Waldemar Zacharasiewicz in collaboration with Manfred Prisching (Eds.)
Exiles French Guiana : Dry guillotine : fifteen years among the living dead / by René Belbenoit, prisoner no. 46635
Exiles -- French Guiana -- History -- 19th century : Escapes from Cayenne : a story of socialism and slavery in an age of revolution and reaction / Léon Chautard ; edited and with an introduction by Michaël Roy
Exiles -- Great Britain -- Diaries : Living in two worlds : diaries of a Jewish couple in Germany and in exile / edited by Marita Krauss, University of Augsburg, Germany and Erich Kasberger ; translated into English by Deborah Langton, Independent Scholar ; with a foreword by Richard Evans
Exiles -- History -- 20th century : Networks of refugees from Nazi Germany : continuities, reorientations, and collaborations in exile / edited by Helga Schreckenberger