Quantitative models of perceiving and remembering faces : precedents and possibilities / Alice J. O'Toole, Michael Wenger, and James T. Townsend -- The perfect Gestalt : infinite dimensional Riemannian face spaces and other aspects of face perception / James T. Townsend, Bruce Solomon, and Jesse Spencer Smith -- Face-space models of face recognition / Tim Valentine -- Predicting similarity ratings to faces using physical descriptions / Mark Steyvers and Thomas A. Busey -- Formal models of familiarity and memorability in face recognition / Thomas A. Busey -- Characterizing perceptual interactions in face identification using multidimensional signal detection theory / Robin D. Thomas -- Faces as Gestalt stimuli : process characteristics / Michael J. Wenger and James T. Townsend -- Face perception : an information processing perspective / Christopher S. Campbell, Gudrun Schwarzer, and Dominic W. Massaro -- Is all face processing holistic? The view from UCSD / Garrison W. Cottrell [and others] -- Viewpoint generalization in face recognition : the role of category-specific processes / Shimon Edelman and Alice J. O'Toole -- 2D or not 2D? That is the question : what can we learn from computational models operating on two-dimensional representations of faces? / Dominique Valentin [and others] -- Are reductive (explanatory) theories of face identification possible? Some speculations and some findings / William R. Uttal
The subjects covered in this work include: quantitative models of perceiving and remembering faces; the perfect Gestalt; face spaces and other aspects of face perception; predicting similarity ratings to faces using physical descriptions; and the role of category specific processes