Fairy tales in art. : Postmodern reinterpretations of fairy tales : how applying new methods generates new meanings / edited by Anna Kerchy ; with a foreword by Martine Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère
Fairy tales -- In mass media : The Routledge companion to media and fairy-tale cultures / edited by Pauline Greenhill, Jill Terry Rudy, Naomi Hamer, and Lauren Bosc
Fairy tales -- Indonesia -- Bali Island. : Balinese children's favorite stories / retold by Victor Mason with Gillian Beal ; illustrated by Trina Bohan-Tyrie ; editors, Kim Inglis, Jocelyn Lau
Fairy tales -- Influence. : Dickens and the invisible world : fairy tales, fantasy, and novel-making / Harry Stone
Fairy tales -- Italy -- Sicily : The king of love and other fairy tales : from his collection of Sicilian folk stories / Giuseppe Pitrè ; edited and translated by Marina Cocuzza and Lorna Watson
Fairy tales -- Musical settings : Die drei kleinen Schweinchen : Orchestermärchen für Sprecher und Kammerorchester / Andreas N. Tarkmann ; Textbearbeitung von Jörg Schade. König Karotte = Le roi carotte / Jacques Offenbach ; arr. Andreas N. Tarkmann.
Fairy tales -- Newfoundland and Labrador -- Specimens : Clever Maids, Fearless Jacks, and a Cat : Fairy Tales from a Living Oral Tradition / edited by Anita Best, Martin Lovelace, Pauline Greenhill ; illustrated by Graham Blair