Families Aboriginal Australians Australia Victoria Services for : Final report on Aboriginal Family Preservation Pilot Program Evaluation for Aboriginal Family Preservation Pilot Reference Group (AFPPRG) / prepared by Evaluation Team i.e. Graham Atkinson, Deborah Absler and Lynda Campbell
Families Aboriginal Australians Australia Western Australia : Working with adolescents to prevent domestic violence : indigenous rural model report : a report prepared for National Crime Prevention and the National Anti-Crime Strategy / Harry Blagg
Families Aboriginal Australians Congresses : Working in Indigenous Perpetrator Programs : proceedings of a forum, Adelaide 4 & 5 August 1999 / Ministerial Council for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs ; Robyn Thompson, editor
Families -- Africa -- Congresses. : African families and the crisis of social change / edited by Thomas S. Weisner, Candice Bradley, and Philip L. Kilbride in collaboration with A.B.C. Ocholla-Ayayo, Joshua Akong'a, and Simiyu Wandibba
Families -- Africa, East : The role of women in improving family living : report of the East Africa regional seminar and resulting workshops, Curepipe, Mauritius, May 23-31, 1977 / by International Alliance of Women in co-operation with the Women's Self Help Association, Mauritius
Families -- Africa, Southern. : Social system and tradition in Southern Africa : essays in honour of Eileen Krige / edited by John Argyle, Eleanor Preston-Whyte
Families -- Africa, Sub-Saharan : Nouvelles dynamiques familiales en Afrique / sous la direction de Anne E. Calvès, Fatou Binetou Dial et Richard Marcoux
Here are entered general works on government policies related to the family, e.g. child welfare, family counseling, family planning, income maintenance, tax benefits, housing, etc
Families -- Anecdotes -- Humor. : The kids and us! : a full time job, two kids and a husband at home -- : the diary of a modern family / Eva Lewicki
Families -- Angola : Forms of familial, economic, and political association in Angola today : a foundational sociology of an African state / Marzia Grassi ; with a foreword by Keith Hart
Families -- Appalachian Region -- Fiction : Only when they're little : the story of an Appalachian family / by Kate Pickens Day ; illustrated by Margaret Pickens ; edited, with an introduction by Nancy Carol Joyner