Fear of doctors. : White coat hypertension : an unresolved diagnostic and therapeutic problem / Giuseppe Mancia, Guido Grassi, Gianfranco Parati, Alberto Zanchetti
Here are entered works on active discrimination against, or aversion to, homosexuals. Works on prejudicial attitudes or assumptions held by heterosexuals concerning homosexuals or homosexuality as well as works on the presumption that everyone is heterosexual and that heterosexuality is the only normal sexual orientation are entered under Heterosexism
Fear of God. : God is watching you : how the fear of God makes us human / Dominic Johnson
Here are entered works on active discrimination against, or aversion to, homosexuals. Works on prejudicial attitudes or assumptions held by heterosexuals concerning homosexuals or homosexuality as well as works on the presumption that everyone is heterosexual and that heterosexuality is the only normal sexual orientation are entered under Heterosexism
Fear of medical care -- See Also the narrower term Fear of doctors