Table of Contents |
| List of Boxes | xi |
1. | Beginning the Journey: An Overview | |
| Introduction | 1 |
| What Is a Magazine? | 3 |
| Getting the Assignment: The Five Things Every Freelance Writer Should Know | 6 |
| Magazine Content Organization | 8 |
| Magazine Staff Organization | 9 |
| A Final Word | 11 |
2. | The Inside Story: A Look at the Magazine Industry | |
| Overview | 15 |
| Magazine Categories | 15 |
| Magazine Development: A Brief History | 17 |
| Magazine Readers: A Sophisticated Audience | 24 |
| Values Model | 28 |
3. | Magazine Markets | |
| Overview | 35 |
| Selective Markets | 36 |
| Men's Magazines | 36 |
| Women's Magazines | 41 |
| Shelter Magazines | 44 |
| Fashion Magazines | 45 |
| Fitness Magazines | 49 |
| Small, Independent Women's Magazines | 50 |
4. | The Big Idea | |
| What Do You Know? | 55 |
| Ideas Are Everywhere | 56 |
| Setting Strategy | 66 |
| What's My Motivation? | 70 |
5. | Sharpening the Angle | |
| Sharpening the Focus | 75 |
| Process | 82 |
| Cover | 84 |
| Contents | 85 |
| Editor's Page | 86 |
| Letters to the Editor | 86 |
6. | Pitch Perfect | |
| Introduction | 91 |
| Marketing Your Work | 91 |
| Breaking In | 92 |
| Elements of the Query | 100 |
| Form of Presentation | 101 |
| Approach | 104 |
| Dramatic Conclusion | 104 |
7. | Research: The Foundation of Good Storytelling | |
| Introduction | 109 |
| Documents | 110 |
| Voice | 113 |
| Conducting the Interview | 118 |
| Getting It Right | 124 |
| Final Considerations | 125 |
8. | Structure: The Building Blocks of Good Storytelling | |
| Introduction | 129 |
| The Overall Structure | 130 |
| The Beginning | 131 |
| The Middle | 137 |
| The End | 140 |
9. | Structure II: The Mortar for Storytelling Blocks | |
| Introduction | 145 |
| The Elements | 145 |
10. | Self-Edit | |
| Introduction | 159 |
| The Right Attitude | 160 |
| Great Editors: A Collaboration | 160 |
| The Process | 161 |
| Balancing the Structural Elements | 164 |
| Proofreading | 167 |
11. | Literary Non-fiction: Storytelling at Its Best | |
| Introduction | 171 |
| Overview | 172 |
| What Makes a Good Long-form Narrative Story? | 174 |
| Literary Non-fiction Elements | 176 |
| Literary Non-fiction Process | 179 |
12. | The Profile: Where Life Stories Come to Life | |
| Introduction | 189 |
| Overview | 189 |
| Getting Started | 192 |
| Detail: The Key to Vivid Profiles | 195 |
| Finding Your Angle | 197 |
| Classic Profile Structure | 199 |
| Alternative Story Forms | 200 |
| The Through Line: Connective Tissue For the Story | 202 |
| The Interview and Q&A Story | 203 |
13. | Service: "Hey, I Can Do That!" | |
| Introduction | 209 |
| Inspiration: The Fundamental Component of Service Pieces | 209 |
| Solving Reader Problems | 210 |
| Front-of-the-Book: Chunks, Charticles, and Other High-Concept Formats | 214 |
14. | Arts and Entertainment | |
| Introduction | 221 |
| The Field | 222 |
| Getting Started in Arts & Entertainment Writing | 223 |
| What "Writing About the Arts" Really Entails | 225 |
15. | Sports | |
| Introduction | 233 |
| The Marketplace | 233 |
| More Than Scores and Stats | 235 |
| Worlds of Possibility | 237 |
| Follow Your Passion | 238 |
| Sports As a Cultural Phenomenon | 240 |
| Sports As Business | 240 |
| Think Digitally | 242 |
16. | Travel | |
| Introduction | 247 |
| Publishing Possibilities | 247 |
| General Approach | 249 |
| Fun in the Topics | 250 |
| Information Gathering | 251 |
| Thematic Stories | 253 |
| Structure | 253 |
| Travel at Home | 255 |
| Travel-Related Stories | 255 |
| Personal Commitment | 256 |
17. | Essay | |
| Introduction | 261 |
| Knowing It When You See It | 262 |
| Essay Types | 262 |
18. | B2B: The Ultimate Service Journalism | |
| Introduction | 275 |
| The Case For a Career in Trade Magazines | 276 |
| Why Most People Are Hesitant About Working For the Trades | 277 |
| Writing For the Trades | 279 |
| Pitching to the Trades | 280 |
19. | Writing for the Web and Tablets | |
| Introduction | 285 |
| Survey the Digital Landscape | 286 |
| Build Your Digital Brand | 288 |
| Understand the Difference between the Print and Digital Audience Experience | 291 |
20. | Legal and Ethical Considerations | |
| Introduction | 297 |
| Legal Issues | 298 |
| Defamation | 298 |
| Protections for Journalists | 299 |
| Fact or Fiction? | 301 |
| Confirm Sources of Information | 302 |
| Invasion of Privacy | 302 |
| Ethical Decisions | 303 |
| Ethics of Reporting | 304 |
| Ethics of Presentation | 306 |
| Personal Concerns | 307 |
| Rights | 308 |
| Appendix | 313 |
| Index | 325 |