Federal aid to medical research -- Canada : Shaping academia for the public good : critical reflections on the CHSRF/CIHR Chairs Program / edited by Louise Potvin & Pat Armstrong
Federal aid to nursing education : Nursing and nursing education : public policies and private actions / Division of Health Care Services, Institute of Medicine
Federal aid to public welfare -- Australia. : Grant-In-Aid Scheme : grants to non-government organisations to subsidise the costs of employment of social welfare workers to assist migrants : conditions of eligibility and rules of operation / Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs
Federal aid to public welfare -- Australia -- Victoria. : Report of the Voluntary Associations and Funding Issues Working Party to Victorian Council of Social Service, Childrens Welfare Association of Victoria, Youth Council of Victoria, Victorian Council on the Ageing
Federal aid to public welfare -- Germany : The end of welfare as we know it? : continuity and change in western welfare state settings and practices / Philipp Sandermann, editor
Federal aid to regional planning. : L'administration des territoires et les instruments de l'action publique / sous la direction de Serge Belley et Diane Saint-Pierre
Federal aid to research -- Handbooks, manuals, etc : How to write a successful research grant application : a guide for social and behavioral scientists / Willo Pequegnat, Ellen Stover, Cheryl Anne Boyce, editors