Femininity -- Wales -- History : Gender in Modern Welsh History Perspectives on Masculinity and Femininity in Wales from 1750 to 2000
Femininum : Studies on the collective and feminine in Indo-European from a diachronic and typological perspective / edited by Sergio Neri and Roland Schuhmann
Feminisierung : The look of a woman : facial feminization surgery and the aims of trans-medicine / Eric Plemons
Feminism -- 21st century -- Pictorial works : Why I march : images from the Women's March around the world / with photographs by Getty Images ; editors: Samantha Weiner and Emma Jacobs
Feminism -- Algeria : Feminists, Insha'allah! : the story of Arab feminism / Drôle de Trame Productions, with participation of France Télévisions ; a film by Feriel Ben Mahmoud
Feminism -- America : Challenging reproductive control and gendered violence in the Américas : intersectionality, power, and struggles for rights / Leandra Hinojosa Hernández and Sarah De Los Santos Upton
Feminism -- America -- History : As if she were free : a collective biography of women and emancipation in the Americas / edited by Erica L Ball, Occidental College ; Tatiana Seijas, Rutgers University ; Terri L. Snyder, California State University, Fullerton
Feminism and art -- 21st century. : The reckoning : women artists of the new millennium / Eleanor Heartney, Helaine Posner, Nancy Princenthal, Sue Scott