Feminism -- Persian Gulf States : A quiet revolution? : the rise of women managers, business owners and leaders in the Arabian Gulf States / Nick Forster
Feminism -- Peru : Feminist and human rights struggles in Peru : decolonizing transitional justice / Pascha Bueno-Hansen
Feminism -- Political aspects -- Belgium : The NGOization of social movements in neoliberal times : contemporary feminisms in Romania and Belgium / Alexandra Ana
Feminism -- Political aspects -- Bolivia : Left-wing populism and feminist politics : women's movements and gender equality policies in Evo Morales' Bolivia / Pablo Castaño
Feminism -- Political aspects -- Brazil : Feminismos en América Latina : redes anidadas por el derecho al aborto en México y Brasil / Gisela Zaremberg, Debora Rezende de Almeida
Feminism -- Political aspects -- Jamaica : Feminist advocacy and activism in state institutions : investigating the representation of women's issues and concerns in the Jamaican legislature / Jacqueline A. Coore-Hall
Feminism -- Political aspects -- Mexico : Feminismos en América Latina : redes anidadas por el derecho al aborto en México y Brasil / Gisela Zaremberg, Debora Rezende de Almeida
Feminism -- Political aspects -- Romania : The NGOization of social movements in neoliberal times : contemporary feminisms in Romania and Belgium / Alexandra Ana
Feminism -- Political aspects -- Sweden : The politics of feminist foreign policy and digital diplomacy / Karin Aggestam, Annika Bergman Rosamond, Elsa Hedling